Forget just what to write; learn how in this series. We give you the know-hows of academic, professional, and casual English, guiding you towards flawless expression and precise use of language.

Wierd or Weird: Which Is Correct?

"Wierd" is an incorrect spelling of "weird," which means strange or unusual. Let's find out how "weird" doesn't follow widely used English rules.

WDYM (wdym) Meaning in Texting

"WDYM" is a slang abbreviation for "What do you mean?" It is used when the sender of the message is asking the receiver to clarify what they said.

HYU (hyu) Meaning in Texting and Examples

"HYU" is a slang abbreviation that means "hit you up." It is commonly used in texting, messaging apps, and social media.

Words Hard to Spell: Gnome? Colonel? Wednesday?

Spelling can be challenging with certain words like "receipt," "yacht," "necessary," and even "restaurant" posing difficulty.

BBG (bbg) Meaning and Examples

"BBG" is a slang abbreviation that means "baby girl," "beautiful baby girl," or "better be going."

IMY and IMYT Meanings in Texting

"IMY" stands for "I miss you" while "IMYT" means "I miss you, too." These slang abbreviations or acronyms are commonly used in texting and on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat.

How to Use the Phrase "Roger That"

"Roger that" is a phrase used in radio communication to acknowledge that a message has been received and understood. It can be used to acknowledge understanding or agreement.

How to Use the Phrase "Tread Lightly"

"Tread lightly" is a phrase that means to proceed cautiously or carefully, especially in delicate or sensitive situations. It suggests exercising caution or restraint to avoid causing offense, making mistakes, or worsening a situation.

How to Use the Phrase "Top of the Morning"

"Top of the morning" is a friendly greeting used to wish someone a good morning or to express good wishes for the start of the day.