This blog series equips you to navigate choices with confidence and express yourself in English with ease and eloquence.

Serface vs. Surface: Which is the Correct Spelling?

"Serface" is an incorrect spelling of the word "surface." "Surface", as a noun, refers to the outermost layer or exterior part of an object or substance, often the topmost layer that is in contact with air or surroundings.

Blaim vs. Blame: Which is the Correct Spelling?

"Blaim" is an incorrect spelling of the word "blame." "Blame" refers to assigning responsibility for a fault or wrongdoing to someone or something.

Differant vs. Different: Which is the Correct Spelling?

"Differant" is an incorrect spelling of the word "different." "Different" refers to something that is not the same or distinct from another.

Absolete vs. Obsolete: Which is the Correct Spelling?

"Absolete" is an incorrect spelling of the word "obsolete." "Obsolete" is term used to describe something that is no longer in use, outdated, or has become irrelevant over time.

Procceed vs. Proceed: Which is the Correct Spelling?

"Procceed" is an incorrect spelling of the word "proceed." Proceed means to continue with a course of action or to move forward, especially after a pause or interruption.

Resons vs. Reasons: Which is the Correct Spelling?

"Resons" is an incorrect spelling of the word "reasons." "Reasons" refer to the justifications or explanations for a particular action, decision, or belief.

Midle vs. Middle: Which is the Correct Spelling?

"Midle" is an incorrect spelling of the word "middle." "Middle" refers to the central point or part of something, often equidistant from its ends or sides.

Tenament vs. Tenement: Which is the Correct Spelling?

"Tenament" is an incorrect spelling of the word "tenement." A "tenement" refers to a multi-unit building, often a run-down apartment complex, with separate living spaces for different families or tenants.

Extrordinary vs. Extraordinary: Which is the Correct Spelling?

"Extrordinary" is an incorrect spelling of the word "extraordinary." "Extraordinary" is used to describe something that is remarkable, exceptional, or surpasses the ordinary or usual.