• The phrase "healthy as a horse" is an idiom used to describe someone or something in robust health and excellent condition, drawing upon the notion that horses are generally strong and sturdy animals.
🐎 After recovering from the flu, Sarah is now as healthy as a horse and back to her regular exercise routine.

🐎 Despite his age, Grandpa remains as healthy as a horse, with a daily jog and a well-balanced diet keeping him fit.
How to Use the Phrase "Healthy as a Horse"

When to use "healthy as a horse"

You can use "healthy as a horse" when you want to describe someone or something with excellent physical health and vitality. It's a figurative language or idiom that emphasizes the strength and endurance typically associated with horses.

Here are some situations where it might be appropriate to use "healthy as a horse":

  • Commenting on someone's physical well-being: "Look at her go! She's healthy as a horse, even after running that marathon."
  • Describing someone who recovers quickly from illness: "He's bounced back from the flu incredibly fast. He must be healthy as a horse."
  • Talking about a physically demanding activity: "Hiking that mountain trail is no easy feat, but I feel healthy as a horse and ready for the challenge."

However, it's important to be mindful of the following:

  • While "healthy as a horse" is a commonly used idiom, it's not always taken literally. Horses, like any other animal, can experience various health issues.
  • If you're unsure in a specific context, it might be better to rephrase your statement using more objective terms related to health and well-being.
  • Be aware that some people might consider the idiom outdated or overused.

The use of "healthy as a horse" over time

"Healthy as horse" was not in popular us until the 1960s. After the 1960s, the word began to steeply increase in popularity and peaked in the 2000s. Its use is on a downward trend.

How to Use the Phrase "Healthy as a Horse"

Example sentences

  1. Despite the intense workout, Jane felt as healthy as a horse, with boundless energy and a strong immune system.
  2. After adopting a plant-based diet, Mark transformed his health and now feels as healthy as a horse.
  3. Despite his advanced age, the elderly farmer remained as healthy as a horse, tending to his fields with vigor.
  4. The athlete's rigorous training routine and nutritious diet kept him as healthy as a horse throughout the competition season.
  5. Following a successful recovery from surgery, Lisa's doctor declared her as healthy as a horse and ready to resume normal activities.

Examples from the web

"... He looks up and says, apologetically, 'She never gets sick.She's healthy as a horse'. 'You never know,' the old man says. ..." - The New Yorker
"You are – how do you say in England – as healthy as a horse?" - The Guardian - Travel
  • In peak physical condition
  • Full of energy
  • Brimming with vitality
  • Feeling great
  • In excellent health


Is it healthy as a horse or ox?

The idiom is "healthy as a horse," not ox. Both are strong animals, but horses are generally seen as more resilient and energetic, fitting the idiom's meaning better.

What is the saying sick as a horse?

The saying is "sick as a dog," not a horse. While both expressions are used informally, "sick as a dog" is much more common and implies being extremely ill.

Is healthy as a horse a simile?

Yes, "healthy as a horse" is a simile. It directly compares someone's health to that of a horse using the word "as," highlighting the excellent physical condition in a figurative way.


In conclusion, the idiom "healthy as a horse" encapsulates robust well-being and resilience, drawing a parallel between optimal health and the sturdy nature of horses. Embracing vitality and stamina, this expression reminds us of the enduring strength that defines both equine and human vitality.

How to Use the Phrase "Healthy as a Horse"

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How to Use the Phrase "Healthy as a Horse"


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How to Use the Phrase "Healthy as a Horse"