• "Tow the line" is an incorrect spelling of the phrase "toe the line."
  • "Toe the line" is an idiom meaning to conform to rules or standards, or to follow orders exactly.
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"Tow the Line" vs. "Toe the Line": Which is Correct?

For example...

❌​​ Employees are expected to tow the line with the company's policies.

✅ Employees are expected to toe the line with the company's policies.

In this sentence, "toe the line" means that employees are expected to adhere strictly to the company's policies.

What does "toe the line" mean?

"Toe the line" is an idiomatic expression derived from the literal action of placing one's toes on a line, such as in a race or drill, indicating readiness and compliance with instructions. The phrase metaphorically means to conform to rules, standards, or expectations without deviation. For example, in a workplace, an employee who toes the line follows company policies and procedures exactly as required.

The correct phrase is "toe the line," not "tow the line." The misspelling "tow the line" likely arises from a misunderstanding of the idiom. "Tow" refers to pulling something along, which is unrelated to the meaning of the idiom. Correct usage of "toe the line" ensures clear communication of conformity and adherence to standards.

Other common misspellings of "toe the line"

  1. Tow the line
  2. Tow the lyne
  3. Toe the lyne
  4. Tow the lines
  5. Toe the lines

Example sentences of the misspelling of "toe the line" as "tow the line"

  1. "Tow the line" is incorrect; the correct spelling is "toe the line".
  2. Remember, "toe the line" means to conform to rules, not "tow the line".
  3. In formal writing, avoid the misspelling "tow the line" and use "toe the line" instead.
  4. The idiom "toe the line" indicates strict adherence to standards, not "tow the line".
  5. When referring to conformity, ensure you use the correct phrase: "toe the line".

Example sentences of "toe the line"

  1. The new manager expects everyone to toe the line with the updated procedures.
  2. In the military, soldiers are trained to toe the line without question.
  3. Politicians often have to toe the line to maintain party unity.
  4. As a student, she always toes the line to meet her teacher's expectations.
  5. The company has strict policies, and employees must toe the line to avoid penalties.
  6. He decided to toe the line after receiving a warning from his supervisor.
  7. The coach insists that all players toe the line regarding training schedules.
  8. To succeed in this organization, you must toe the line with its values.
  9. The principal expects all students to toe the line regarding school rules.
  10. During the meeting, the CEO made it clear that everyone needs to toe the line.

Synonyms for "toe the line"

  1. Conform
  2. Comply
  3. Follow orders
  4. Abide by
  5. Adhere to

"Tow the Line" vs. "Toe the Line": Which is Correct?

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"Tow the Line" vs. "Toe the Line": Which is Correct?


Definition of TOE THE LINE
one of the terminal members of the vertebrate foot; the fore end of a foot or hoof; a terminal segment of a limb of an invertebrate… See the full definition
"Tow the Line" vs. "Toe the Line": Which is Correct?