A pint and a quart are both units of volume commonly used in the United States and some other countries, particularly for measuring liquids.

In the world of cooking, baking, and bartending, precise measurements are crucial for achieving the desired results. Two common units of liquid measurement are pint and quart. These terms sound similar but have distinct meanings and applications.

What is a pint?

A pint is a unit of liquid measurement, and its size may vary depending on the country. In the United States, a pint is equal to 16 fluid ounces, while in the United Kingdom, it is 20 fluid ounces. Below is various ways pint is used:


When ordering drinks at a pub or bar, you might see options for a pint of beer or cider, which is typically a larger serving compared to smaller glass sizes like a half-pint.

I ordered a pint of my favorite craft beer at the local brewery.

Dairy products

Milk and cream are often sold in pints in both countries, making it easy to measure and pour for recipes.

I need to buy a pint of milk from the store to make pancakes for breakfast tomorrow.

What is a quart?

A quart is a larger unit of liquid measurement compared to a pint. In the United States, a quart contains 32 fluid ounces, while in the United Kingdom, it is slightly larger, containing 40 fluid ounces. Here's how quart is used:

Cooking and baking

A quart is a commonly used measurement in larger recipes or when you need a substantial amount of liquid. For example, you might use a quart of chicken broth in a soup recipe.

The recipe calls for one quart of chicken broth to make the soup flavorful and hearty.

Food storage

Quart-sized containers are often used for storing liquids, soups, or leftovers in the refrigerator or freezer.

I transferred the leftover chili into an airtight container and stored it in the freezer in a quart-sized bag for later.


In the U.S., a quart-sized container of milk or other beverages is also common in grocery stores.

She ordered a quart of iced tea to quench her thirst on a hot summer day.

More example sentences

  1. I need a pint of milk to make this recipe.
  2. She ordered a pint of her favorite craft beer at the pub.
  3. The ice cream shop offers a quart-sized container for take-home treats.
  4. We bought a quart of fresh strawberries to make jam.
  5. He drank a quart of water after his long run to stay hydrated.
  6. The recipe calls for half a pint of heavy cream.
  7. I'll have a quart of motor oil for my car's next oil change.
  8. The baby drank a pint of formula before bedtime.
  9. The chef used a pint of chicken broth to enhance the flavor of the soup.
  10. We picked up a quart of paint to complete the living room makeover.

In conclusion, pint and quart are essential units of liquid measurement in the culinary world. Understanding their differences in size and usage is crucial for accurate cooking and baking, as well as for efficient food storage.

So, the next time you're in the kitchen or making a trip to the grocery store, you'll know whether to reach for a pint or a quart based on your culinary needs. By mastering these measurements, you'll be well-equipped to create delicious dishes with precision and ease.

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Pint vs Quart: What’s the Difference?
A pint is about half the size of a quart. Learn more about pint vs quart in this article.