How to Use the Phrase "Toe the Line"

The phrase "toe the line" means to conform to rules or standards, or to follow orders and behave according to expectations.

Atleast vs. At Least: Which is Correct?

"Atleast" is an incorrect spelling of the phrase "at least." "At least" is a phrase used to indicate the minimum amount, degree, or level of something.

How to Use the Phrase "Second That"

The phrase "second that" is used to express agreement or support for a statement or proposal made by someone else.

ETA (eta): What Does It Mean & Stand For?

ETA as used in casual, everyday texting is most commonly short for "Estimated Time of Arrival".

Auguest vs. August: Which is the Correct Spelling?

"Auguest" is an incorrect spelling of the word "August." "August" is the eighth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

HYD (hyd): What Does It Mean & Stand For?

HYD as used in casual, everyday texting is most commonly short for "How You Doing?".

ATM (atm): What Does It Mean & Stand For?

ATM as used in casual, everyday texting is most commonly short for "at the moment". It could also be used to mean "automatic teller machine", which you can use to get cash from a bank account.

How to Use the Phrase "Get a Load of This"

The phrase "get a load of this" is an informal way to draw someone’s attention to something surprising, impressive, or noteworthy.

Lifes vs. Lives: Which is the Correct Spelling?

"Lifes" is an incorrect spelling of the word "lives." "Lives" is the plural form of "life," referring to the existence of multiple beings or the multiple experiences of existence.