• "Openning" is an incorrect spelling of the word "opening."
  • "Opening" can refer to a hole or start, like the opening of a door or the beginning of an event. It can also mean an opportunity, such as a job opening. In performances, it's the first part, like the opening scene in a play.
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For example...

❌​​ The grand openning of the new store attracted a large crowd.

✅ The grand opening of the new store attracted a large crowd.

What does "opening" mean?

"Opening" is a noun that has a few different meanings in different contexts.

  1. Beginning or Commencement: An opening can also signify the starting point of an event, business, or activity. For instance, the grand opening of a store or the opening ceremony of an event.
  2. Opportunity or Chance: In a broader sense, an opening can denote an opportunity or a chance for action or advancement, such as a job opening or an opening for negotiation.
  3. Physical Hole or Gap: An opening can refer to a hole, gap, or aperture in a surface, structure, or container. For example, the opening of a door, a box, or a window.

Lastly, "opening" can also be used as the present participle of the verb "open," as in "She is opening the can of beans."

Openning vs. Opening: Which Is Correct?

Here are some common phrases containing the word "opening":

  1. Grand Opening: A special event marking the official beginning of a new business or establishment.
  2. Opening Ceremony: A formal event to mark the beginning of a significant occasion or event.
  3. Opening Night: The first night of a theatrical performance, film, or other artistic presentation.
  4. Job Opening: An available position of employment within a company or organization.
  5. Opening Bid: The initial amount offered in a bidding process, such as in auctions or negotiations.
  6. Opening Remarks: The introductory comments made at the start of a speech, presentation, or event.
  7. Opening Statement: The initial presentation made by lawyers at the beginning of a trial.
  8. Opening Bell: The signal to commence trading on a stock exchange.
  9. Opening Act: The performer or performers who appear before the main attraction in a show or concert.
  10. Store Opening Hours: The designated times during which a retail establishment is open for business.
  11. Opening Credits: The initial sequence in a film or television show that lists key production personnel and cast members.
  12. Opening Scene: The initial sequence in a play, film, or novel that sets the stage for the story.
  13. Opening Weekend: The first few days after the release of a film, typically important for box office performance.
  14. Opening Pitch: The ceremonial first pitch in a baseball game, thrown by a special guest.
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The use of "opening" and "openning" over time

The Ngram graph below shows how often "opening" and "openning" have been used from the 1800s to the 2000s. "Opening" has been increasing in use in the last 40 years, while its misspelling "openning" has always seen nearly zero use.

Openning vs. Opening: Which Is Correct?

How to pronounce "opening"

In American and British English, "opening" is pronounced like "oh·puh·ning."

Additional notes:
These are just the standard pronunciations, and there may be slight variations depending on regional accents and individual speech patterns.

Why would we misspell "opening" as "openning"?

Simple Typos: When typing quickly or without proofreading, it's easy to type an extra letter. In this case, some people may add an extra "n," leading to the misspelling "openning."

False Analogies: Many words double their final consonant when adding "-ing," like "tapping" and "betting." This might mislead someone unfamiliar with the spelling to think that "open" also follows this pattern.

Other common misspellings of "opening"

  1. Opennig
  2. Opeining
  3. Opeing
  4. Opining
  5. Opneing

Example sentences of the misspelling of "opening" as "openning"

  1. Ensure you don't use the misspelling "openning"; the correct term is "opening."
  2. "Openning" is not a valid spelling; make sure to correct it to "opening."
  3. Spotting and correcting the error in "openning" will help improve your writing accuracy.
  4. Correct spelling matters; replace any instance of "openning" with the accurate term "opening."
  5. If you come across the term "openning," it's a typo; use the correct spelling "opening" instead.

Example sentences of "opening"

  1. I'm looking forward to the opening night of the play, as it promises to be a spectacular performance.
  2. Can you pass me the scissors? I need to make a clean opening in this package.
  3. The job opening for a project manager has generated a lot of interest among qualified candidates.
  4. We witnessed the spectacular opening ceremony of the international sports event.
  5. Please ensure that you have a valid ticket for the opening match of the championship.
  6. The chef prepared a delightful dish with the careful opening of a bottle of rare truffle-infused olive oil.
  7. The bookstore celebrated its grand opening with book signings and author meet-and-greets.
  8. The team is excited about the opening game of the season, hoping for a strong start.
  9. We attended the art gallery's opening, where the artist discussed the inspiration behind their work.
  10. The company announced the opening of a new branch to better serve its expanding customer base.

Synonyms for "opening"

  1. Entrance
  2. Aperture
  3. Gap
  4. Hole
  5. Commencement
  6. Beginning
  7. Start
  8. Inauguration
  9. Initiation
  10. Outset
  11. Introduction
  12. Launch
  13. Access
  14. Opportunity

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Definition of OPENING
an act or instance of making or becoming open; an act or instance of beginning : commencement; especially : a formal and usually public event by which something new is put officially into operation; something that is open: such as… See the full definition