Nostalgic is an adjective to describe a feeling of longing or wistfulness for something in the past, often a happy memory or a former place, person, or time period. It is a sentimental or emotional attachment to something that brings up fond memories.

When to use it

Native English speakers use 'nostalgic' when feeling sentimental or homesick about the past, such as remembering an old friend or a childhood memory. They may also use it to describe a feeling or mood that reminds them of a previous time or era. For example, "I feel so nostalgic when I hear that song, it brings me back to my high school days."

Example sentences

  1. Whenever I think of my childhood home, I become nostalgic for those carefree days.
  2. The old photographs from my grandparents' wedding always make me feel nostalgic.
  3. The smell of freshly baked cookies brings back nostalgic memories of baking with my mother.
  4. I felt nostalgic when I recently listened to a playlist of my favorite songs from high school.
  5. When I visit my hometown, I always take a drive by my old neighborhood and feel nostalgic for my youth.
  6. The sound of rain hitting the roof reminds me of lazy days spent indoors with a book, making me feel nostalgic.
  7. Just looking at an old-fashioned typewriter makes me feel nostalgic for a simpler time.
  8. The smell of salty sea air always makes me feel nostalgic for long summer days spent at the beach.
  9. Seeing my childhood friends after many years made me feel incredibly nostalgic for our younger days.
  10. Watching old movies always makes me feel nostalgic for a different era.

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1. feeling happy and also slightly sad when you think about things that…
Nostalgia - Wikipedia