What is the difference between lyes and lies? Let us first break down the meanings of the two words.

Definition of "lye"

Lye (noun): a strong alkaline solution (high pH) such as sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide

Mom put on thick rubber gloves and cleaned off the aged mold in the bathroom with lye.

Definition of "lie"

Lie¹ (verb): communicating a false, deceptive statement

Bridget would constantly lie to her parents that she was studying at the library.

Lie¹ (noun): a false, deceptive statement

Trevor thought he could get away with his little lie.

Lie² (verb): rest flat on a surface

Walter wished he could just lie on the grass and spend his afternoon napping.

Lie³ (verb): to remain in a certain state or place

The old temple lies in ruins today because of all the wars that broke out in the area throughout history.

Lyes is the plural form of lye. Lies is either the singular verb form of the verb lie or the plural noun of the noun lie.

The easy way to know whether to use lye or lie is if the word is being used to mean a strong alkaline solution, then use lye. If not, use lie.

The potential origins of the confusion

The source of confusion between lye and lie could have been from lying, the present participle forms of the verb lie. Because the present participle lying resembles the noun lye in terms of spelling, people may have mistakenly thought lye is the simple verb form of lying.

Example sentences

Here we have example sentences of lye, lyes, lie, lies, and lying to help you see how each is used in a sentence.

  • Lye is a strong chemical that should not be consumed or touched directly with bare skin.
  • Did you lie about your grades to your parents?
  • I was lying in bed reading my favorite book of all time To Kill a Mockingbird.
  • Please lie down on your stomach on the massage table.
  • The old library lies southwest of the town.
  • The company started manufacturing alcohol from sulphite lyes.
  • Santos always lies about his height when asked.
  • Grandpa’s body lies in a coffin in the main room of the funeral home.
  • The cat was lying on the warm carpet in front of the large living room window.
  • Do you have any lye I could use to deep clean the laundry machine?

Practice questions

Now it is your turn to see which is the most appropriate word to use in the following sentences.

  1. Do you think white lyes/lies are bad even though they can protect someone’s feelings?
  2. Be careful not to get the lye/lie in your eyes because it can permanently damage your eyesight.
  3. I don’t believe all the lyes/lies that Jo told me yesterday night.
  4. Irving will lye/lie down in bed when he is tired.
  5. Tracy used lye/lie to clean her stainless steel pots and pans.
  6. Technical grade lyes/lies are the best type of lyes/lies for making soap.
  7. She didn’t want to just lye/lie around and do nothing while everyone else did all the work.
  8. The church lyes/lies three kilometers away from our house.
  9. Please lye/lie on your right side and stretch both your left arm and leg up into the air.
  10. All young children tell lyes/lies at some point or another.

Answers to practice questions:

  1. lies
  2. lye
  3. lies
  4. lie
  5. lye
  6. lyes
  7. lie
  8. lies
  9. lie
  10. lies

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