• "Desicion" is an incorrect spelling of the word "decision."
  • A "decision" is a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration.
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Desicion vs. Decision: Which is the Correct Spelling?

For example...

❌​​ She made the desicion to pursue a career in medicine.

✅ She made the decision to pursue a career in medicine.

In this sentence, "decision" refers to the conclusion or resolution she reached after considering her career options.

What does "decision" mean?

A "decision" is an important aspect of everyday life and involves choosing between two or more alternatives after thoughtful consideration. Decisions can range from simple, such as deciding what to eat for dinner, to complex, like choosing a career path or making business strategies. The ability to make decisions is a crucial skill, affecting personal, professional, and social aspects of life.

The correct spelling of the word is "decision," which includes an "i" after the "c" and "s." A common misspelling, "desicion," omits this "i" and is incorrect. Using the correct spelling is essential for clear and professional communication. Ensuring the proper spelling also demonstrates attention to detail and respect for the language, which is particularly important in formal writing contexts.

How to pronounce "decision"

In both British and American English, "decision" is pronounced like "duh·si·zhn".

Additional notes:
This is just the standard pronunciation, and there may be slight variations depending on regional accents and individual speech patterns.

Other common misspellings of "decision"

  1. Desision
  2. Decesion
  3. Descision
  4. Desision
  5. Dicision

Example sentences of the misspelling of "decision" as "desicion"

  1. "Desicion" is incorrect; the correct spelling is "decision".
  2. Always spell "decision" with an "i" after the "c" and "s", not as "desicion".
  3. In professional writing, avoid the misspelling "desicion" and use "decision" instead.
  4. The noun "decision" refers to a conclusion or resolution, not "desicion".
  5. When writing about making choices, ensure you use the correct spelling: "decision".

Example sentences of "decision"

  1. The committee reached a unanimous decision after hours of debate.
  2. Making a decision about the new policy took several weeks of discussion.
  3. His sudden decision to move abroad surprised everyone.
  4. The board of directors will announce their decision next week.
  5. I struggled with the decision to leave my hometown.
  6. After much deliberation, she finally came to a decision.
  7. The court's decision set a new legal precedent.
  8. It's important to make an informed decision based on all available information.
  9. The manager's decision was influenced by the financial reports.
  10. Parents often face difficult decisions regarding their children's education.

Synonyms for "decision"

  1. Choice
  2. Judgment
  3. Resolution
  4. Conclusion
  5. Verdict

Desicion vs. Decision: Which is the Correct Spelling?

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Desicion vs. Decision: Which is the Correct Spelling?


Definition of DECISION
the act or process of deciding; a determination arrived at after consideration : conclusion; a report of a conclusion… See the full definition
Desicion vs. Decision: Which is the Correct Spelling?