Censor refers to the act of examining and suppressing or removing objectionable or offensive material. Censure means to express strong disapproval or criticism of someone's actions or behavior.

What does censor mean?

Censor is a verb that refers to the act of examining and suppressing or removing objectionable or offensive material, often in the context of media, literature, or information dissemination. Here's how "censor" is used:

Media and content control

"Censor" is commonly used in the context of government or institutional control over content.

The government censored the news reports to control the narrative.

Editing or removing

It can also mean the act of editing or removing content that is considered inappropriate or offensive.

The editor had to censor several scenes from the movie to secure a lower rating.

Privacy or secrecy

In a broader sense, "censor" can refer to the act of suppressing or limiting information or speech to protect privacy or maintain secrecy.

He censored certain details from his autobiography to protect his family's privacy.

What does censure mean?

Censure, on the other hand, is a verb that means to express strong disapproval or criticism of someone's actions or behavior, often in a formal or official manner. Here's how "censure" is used:

Formal criticism

"Censure" is typically used in the context of formal or official criticism, such as in a political or organizational setting.

The parliament voted to censure the minister for his misconduct.

Public condemnation

It signifies public condemnation or disapproval of an individual or their actions.

The public censured the celebrity for their offensive remarks.

Expressing disapproval

In everyday language, "censure" can be used to express strong disapproval or criticism of someone or something without formal consequences.

She censured her friend for breaking their promise.

So, the next time you need to discuss content control, you'll refer to "censor," and when expressing strong disapproval or criticism, you'll turn to "censure." By mastering these nuances, you can navigate the intricate world of words with confidence and precision.

Example sentences

  1. The government decided to censor the news reports to control the information released to the public.
  2. The film underwent extensive censorship before it could be shown to a younger audience.
  3. The school library has a policy to censor books with explicit content to protect students.
  4. Some argue that censoring certain speech infringes upon freedom of expression.
  5. The author refused to allow anyone to censor her novel, even if it meant facing controversy.
  6. The committee voted to censure the member for violating the code of conduct.
  7. The public censured the company for its unethical business practices.
  8. His behavior was censured by both colleagues and superiors.
  9. The media was quick to censure the politician's controversial remarks.
  10. The teacher decided to censure the student's disrespectful comments in the classroom.

Practice sentences

  1. The government decided to censor/censure the news reports to control the information released to the public.
  2. The film underwent censorship/censureship before it could be shown to a younger audience.
  3. The school library has a policy to censor/censure books with explicit content to protect students.
  4. Some argue that censoring/censuring certain speech infringes upon freedom of expression.
  5. The author refused to allow anyone to censor/censure her novel, even if it meant facing controversy.
  6. The committee voted to censure/censor the member for violating the code of conduct.
  7. The public censured/censored the company for its unethical business practices.
  8. His behavior was censured/censored by both colleagues and superiors.
  9. The media was quick to censure/censor the politician's controversial remarks.
  10. The teacher decided to censure/censor the student's disrespectful comments in the classroom.

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Answer key

  1. censor
  2. censorship
  3. censor
  4. censoring
  5. censor
  6. censure
  7. censured
  8. censured
  9. censure
  10. censure


Censor vs. Censure
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