Advice refers to guidance, recommendations, or opinions given to someone about a particular situation or problem. Advise means to give advice or offer suggestions to someone.

Language can be a labyrinth of homophones—words that sound alike but carry different meanings. "Advise" and "advice" are two such words that often lead to confusion. They might sound nearly identical, but they serve distinct purposes in the English language. In this blog post, we'll unravel the meanings, usages, and differences between "advise" and "advice" to help you use them effectively in your writing and conversations.

What does Advice mean?

Advice is a noun that refers to guidance, recommendations, or opinions given to someone about a particular situation or problem. Here's how "advice" is used:


"Advice" is commonly used to offer suggestions, recommendations, or counsel to someone seeking help or information.

She gave me valuable advice on investing in the stock market.

Non-countable noun

Advice is typically treated as a non-countable noun, meaning it doesn't have a plural form. You wouldn't say "advices"; instead, you'd say "pieces of advice" or "bits of advice."

Receiving advice

When you seek input or suggestions from others, you ask for "advice."

Can you give me some advice on how to improve my writing?

What does advise mean?

Advise, on the other hand, is a verb that means to give advice or offer suggestions to someone. Here's how "advise" is used:

Giving counsel

"Advise" is the action of providing guidance, recommendations, or information to someone.

I advise you to save money for your future.

Active verb

"Advise" is an active verb, and it's used when you're actively telling someone what you think they should do. It's the action of providing advice.

Subject-verb agreement

The verb "advise" must agree with the subject in terms of tense and number.

He advises his clients on financial matters.

So, the next time you need to provide counsel, you'll "advise" someone, and when you're seeking or sharing recommendations, you're dealing with "advice." By mastering these subtle differences, you can navigate the intricacies of the English language with confidence.

Example sentences

  1. She will advise you on the best approach to tackle the project.
  2. He always advises his friends to save money for the future.
  3. Can you advise me on which career path to choose?
  4. The doctor advised her to get more exercise for better health.
  5. The teacher advised the students to review their notes before the exam.
  6. Her advice was invaluable in helping me make a decision.
  7. I sought his advice before making any major financial commitments.
  8. The book is filled with practical advice for managing stress.
  9. If you need advice on relationships, you can talk to a counselor.
  10. His advice to focus on your strengths is worth following.

Practice questions

  1. Can you please advice/advise me on which course to take for my career?
  2. She sought his advice/advise before making a major life decision.
  3. The teacher always advice/advises us to study regularly for better grades.
  4. His financial advice/advise helped me manage my budget more effectively.
  5. I would appreciate your advice/advise on how to improve my writing skills.
  6. He often advice/advises his friends on how to stay healthy.
  7. The doctor's advice/advise was to rest and drink plenty of fluids.
  8. She decided to follow her friend's advice/advise on starting a small business.
  9. The counselor's advice/advise was to communicate openly with family members.
  10. It's essential to seek legal advice/advise when dealing with complex contracts.

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Answer Key:

  1. advise
  2. advice
  3. advises
  4. advice
  5. advice
  6. advises
  7. advice
  8. advice
  9. advice
  10. advice


“Advice” vs. “Advise”: What’s The Difference?
Take our word for it: the difference between “advice” and “advise” can be tricky, but this guide explains exactly how and when to use each correctly.