Both whilst and while are correct spellings. Whilst is the preferred spelling in British English. While is the preferred spelling in American English. The meaning of the two words are the same when used as conjunctions or adverbs.

Whether you use whilst or while depends on which variant of English you are using. In terms of pronunciation, whilst is pronounced with a "T" at the end as wilest, and while is pronounced as "wile" without any "T" sound at the end.

The other members of the Commonwealth of Nations typically also go by the British spelling. If you are a non-native speaker of English and unsure whether to use whilst or while, be sure to check with your instructor at school or superior at work to see if there is a preferred variant of English.

Example sentences

While and whilst as conjunctions
In the following examples, the conjunctions whilst and while can be used interchangeably.

  • I did the dishes while my sister vacuumed the house.
  • The design of the refrigerator was top notch, whilst the engineering was careless.
  • Mom set the table while the soup was simmering.

While and whilst as adverbs (rare)
In the following examples, the adverbs whilst and while can be used interchangeably. However, while and whilst are not often used as adverbs.

  • In the time while the dinosaurs roamed the Earth, the air was crisp and free of any trace of human civilization.
  • The period whilst the egg is hatching is when it is most vulnerable.
  • I waited around during the hour while the laundry machine was running.

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While as a noun
Below are example sentences of while being used as a noun. Unlike while, whilst cannot be used as a noun.

  • The two coworkers worked on the presentation slides for a while before moving on to other tasks.
  • It will take a while before they call the next person in line.
  • They easily hiked up the trail, singing all the while.

While as a verb (rare)
Below are example sentences of while being used as a verb. Unlike while, whilst cannot be used as a verb. However, the use of while as a verb is rare, but when used as a verb, while is typically followed by the word away.

  • Thomas whiled away his Sunday morning reading in bed and drinking tea.
  • In the summer, we while away the hours playing in the sun with our dog.
  • Rosemarie whiled away the afternoon watching reruns of her favorite show.

Other similar spelling pairs

There are two spelling pairs that are similar to while and whilst.

  • among (US), amongst (UK)
  • amid (US), amidst (UK)

Among is the preferred spelling in the US while amongst is the preferred spelling in the UK. Likewise, amid is the preferred spelling in the US while amongst is the preferred spelling in the UK.

Practice questions

Below are some practice questions you can try out to help you master when to use while versus whilst. For some questions, either while or whilst are acceptable.

  1. It took a whilst/while before the winner of the hackathon was announced.
  2. Paul whilsted/whiled away the summer playing games and hanging out with his friends at the beach.
  3. I’ll call the store whilst/while you parallel park the car.
  4. She found that the period whilst/while the sun is setting is the most beautiful moment throughout the day.
  5. The older sister was kind, whilst/while the younger sister was cranky and snappy.
  6. The team dug for a whilst/while before they struck gold.
  7. I don’t want to just whilst/while away my winter vacation staying at home.
  8. Carol hummed whilst/while she happily skipped to the post office.
  9. Don’t use your wrist whilst/while you arm wrestle, or you might injure yourself.
  10. The reporter was standing in the snow for a whilst/while and could barely speak by the time she was on air.
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  1. while (noun)
  2. whiled (verb)
  3. whilst or while (conjunction)
  4. whilst or while (adverb)
  5. whilst or while (conjunction)
  6. while (noun)
  7. while (verb)
  8. whilst or while (conjunction)
  9. whilst or while (conjunction)
  10. while (noun)

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