"Vacum" is a misspelling of "vacuum," which is most commonly used to mean either an appliance called a vacuum cleaner that cleans by suctioning up dust or a space that does not contain any matter, including air.

Below are all the various meanings and uses of "vacuum":

  • A Space Devoid of Matter: In physics, a vacuum refers to a space that is entirely devoid of matter, including air and other gases. It is a region with a low pressure or no pressure.
  • A Device for Cleaning: A vacuum cleaner, often called a "vacuum," is a household appliance used to clean floors, carpets, and other surfaces by suctioning up dirt and debris.
  • A Void or Empty Space: In a more general sense, "vacuum" can refer to any empty or void space, both in a physical and metaphorical context. For example, "There's a vacuum of leadership in the organization."
  • A State of Emptiness or Lack: "Vacuum" can be used metaphorically to describe a state of emptiness or absence. For instance, "The sudden loss left a vacuum in her life."
  • A Device for Measuring Pressure: In some technical contexts, a vacuum gauge is used to measure the pressure in a system, often in comparison to atmospheric pressure.
  • A Process in Chemistry: In chemistry, vacuum distillation is a technique used to separate compounds based on their boiling points under reduced pressure.
  • Vacuum Packaging: In the food industry, vacuum packaging is a method of preserving food by removing air from the packaging to extend its shelf life.
  • Vacuum Tube: In electronics, a vacuum tube (also known as a valve) is a device that controls the flow of electric current using a vacuum or near-vacuum inside.

Example sentences

  1. The vacuum of space is a harsh environment with no air or atmosphere.
  2. She used the vacuum to clean the carpets in every room of the house.
  3. After he left, there was a vacuum in the office where his vibrant personality used to be.
  4. The sudden resignation of the CEO created a leadership vacuum in the company.
  5. The technician checked the vacuum in the system using a specialized gauge.
  6. Vacuum distillation is a valuable technique for separating volatile compounds in the laboratory.
  7. Food items are often preserved in vacuum-sealed bags to extend their shelf life.
  8. Before the advent of transistors, vacuum tubes were commonly used in electronic devices.
  9. She preferred using a well-known vacuum brand for its efficiency in cleaning.
  10. The absence of communication between the two friends created an emotional vacuum in their relationship

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Definition of VACUUM
emptiness of space; a space absolutely devoid of matter; a space partially exhausted (as to the highest degree possible) by artificial means (such as an air pump)… See the full definition