"Usurpation" refers to the act of wrongfully seizing or taking over something, especially a position, power, authority, or property, often in violation of established laws, rights, or norms. "Usurpation" also encompasses taking or using something without the right or authority.

For instance, imagine a classroom with a teacher and students. The teacher is responsible for maintaining order and leading the class. One day, one of the students decides to take control without permission. They start giving orders, telling other students what to do and even standing at the front of the room as if they were the teacher. This student's actions are a clear usurpation of the teacher's authority. The teacher, who is responsible for leading the class, did not grant the student this power, so the student's actions are considered wrongful and disruptive. The other students are confused, and the teacher must intervene to restore order and maintain their rightful position as the authority figure in the classroom.

In this situation, usurpation occurs when a student tries to take over the teacher's role and authority without permission, which is not allowed and disrupts the normal functioning of the classroom.

Example sentences

  1. The usurpation of the throne by the rebel leader sparked a civil war in the kingdom.
  2. The military's usurpation of civilian government authority was met with widespread protests.
  3. The court ruled that the land grab constituted a clear case of usurpation of private property rights.
  4. The usurpation of control by the corrupt officials led to the economic downfall of the city.
  5. The constitution had safeguards in place to prevent the usurpation of power by any single branch of government.
  6. The rebel group's usurpation of the radio station allowed them to spread their propaganda.
  7. The CEO's usurpation of decision-making authority without consulting the board of directors raised concerns.
  8. History is filled with stories of ambitious individuals attempting the usurpation of thrones and empires.
  9. The dictator's usurpation of civil liberties and freedom of the press led to a totalitarian regime.
  10. The company's hostile takeover attempt was seen as an act of corporate usurpation by its competitors.

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1. the act of taking control of something without having the right to…
Definition of USURP
to seize and hold (office, place, functions, powers, etc.) in possession by force or without right; to take or make use of without right; to take the place of by or as if by force : supplant… See the full definition