"Family's" and "families" sound similar and revolve around the theme of family, but they cannot be used interchangeably. "Family's" is the possessive form of "family," indicating something that belongs to a specific family or is associated with it. "Families" is the plural form of "family," referring to multiple groups of people related by blood, marriage, or strong bonds.

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In this blog post, we'll delve into the differences between "family's" and "families," explore common idioms and phrases using these words, discuss synonyms, and we'll also provide practice questions for you to practice your newfound knowledge.


  • Meaning: "Family's" is a possessive form, indicating something that belongs to a particular family or is related to it.
  • Example: The family's car is parked in the driveway.
  • Usage: This term is used to show ownership or connection to a specific family. It often precedes a noun to clarify whose possession or attribute is being discussed.


  • Meaning: "Families" is the plural form of "family" and refers to multiple groups of people related by blood, marriage, or strong bonds.
  • Example: Many families attended the community event.
  • Usage: This word represents a collective group of people who share familial ties or a broader concept of several families. It does not denote possession but instead describes a larger social unit.

Helpful tip

Families' is the plural form of families. The below table shows the different singular and plural forms with their respective possessives.

Usage of family, families, family's, and families'

Looking at this graph, the term "family" is used on a much more frequent basis than the other four terms. Families is not a frequent term, and the possessives are used on a much lower, although consistent, rate than that of either family or families.

Common Idioms and Phrases

  • "Start a family": This idiom means to begin the process of having children and raising a family.
    • Example: After getting married, they decided to start a family.
  • "In the family way": A somewhat old-fashioned idiom that means a woman is pregnant.
    • Example: She's in the family way, and they're expecting their first child.
  • "Family ties": Refers to the connections, relationships, and bonds within a family.
    • Example: Strong family ties are important for emotional well-being.
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Synonyms for "Family's" and "Families"


  • Belonging to the family
    • The heirloom necklace, with its intricate design and rich history, is a priceless treasure, belonging to the family for generations."
  • The family's own
    • The quaint cottage by the lake, with its charming garden and cozy fireplace, became the family's own slice of paradise.
  • Of the family
    • Her musical talent, a gift of the family, was showcased with pride during the annual family reunion.


  • Clans

    • The small mountain village was known for its tight-knit community, with each family belonging to a different clan, each with its own unique customs and traditions.
  • Kin

    • Reuniting with long-lost kin at the family reunion brought tears of joy to her eyes as she embraced cousins, aunts, and uncles she hadn't seen in years.
  • Households

    • After a long day at work, he returned to his cozy household, where the aroma of a home-cooked meal filled the air, and the sound of laughter echoed through the rooms.
  • Relatives

    • As the holiday season approached, she eagerly anticipated the arrival of her relatives, looking forward to the joyous gatherings and cherished traditions they shared together.
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Practice Questions

  1. We celebrated the family's/families reunion with a big picnic in the park.
  2. The family's/families car had a flat tire, so they couldn't go on their road trip.
  3. Both of our family's/families enjoy spending holidays together.
  4. He's always been close to his family's/families dogs, treating them like his children.
  5. Many family's/families came to support the local charity event.

Answer Key:

  1. families
  2. family's
  3. families
  4. family's
  5. families

Understanding the differences between "family's" and "families" can significantly enhance your English language skills. By mastering these distinctions, you'll be better equipped to communicate effectively in both writing and conversation. Happy writing, and may your grammar always be in the family's good graces!

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Family’s or Families’ or Families? - English Recap
The word family’s is the singular possessive form. E.g., “Each family’s respective application will be considered.” Also, families’ is the plural possessive. E.g., “The hotel ... Read more