Trendsetters are individuals or entities that have a significant influence on setting or popularizing new trends, styles, or ideas in various fields such as fashion, culture, technology, and more. They are often seen as leaders or innovators who introduce novel concepts, products, or behaviors that inspire and gain followers or imitators.

One prominent example of a trendsetter is Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc. Steve Jobs was a visionary leader in the technology industry who introduced groundbreaking products like the iPhone, iPad, and iPod. His innovative designs and approach to consumer electronics not only revolutionized the way we use technology but also influenced the design aesthetics and user experience of countless other products and companies in the tech industry.

Jobs' emphasis on sleek, minimalist design, user-friendly interfaces, and his ability to anticipate and create consumer demand for new devices made him a trendsetter in the world of technology and beyond. His impact on the way we interact with technology and the design of consumer products is still felt today, long after his passing. Steve Jobs is often cited as a quintessential example of a trendsetter who reshaped entire industries.

Example sentences

  1. The fashion designer was known as a trendsetter in the industry, always one step ahead of the latest styles.
  2. Her unique fashion choices made her a trendsetter among her friends, who often sought her advice.
  3. The tech company prides itself on being a trendsetter in developing cutting-edge products.
  4. As a musician, she was considered a trendsetter for blending different music genres in her songs.
  5. The celebrity's hairstyle became a global trendsetter, with people copying her look worldwide.
  6. In the world of interior design, the architect was a recognized trendsetter for his innovative use of space and materials.
  7. The restaurant was a trendsetter in the culinary world, introducing unique and exotic flavors to the local dining scene.
  8. His startup company quickly gained a reputation as a trendsetter for its innovative approach to sustainable technology.
  9. The artist's use of vibrant colors and unconventional techniques made her a trendsetter in the art world.
  10. The magazine featured profiles of influential trendsetters in various industries, showcasing their impact on culture and style.

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Definition of TRENDSETTER
one that sets a trend : someone or something that starts or helps to popularize a new fashion, style, movement, etc.… See the full definition
1. a person, organization, etc. that starts new fashions, especially in…