• "Suger" is the incorrect spelling of "sugar."
  • "Sugar" is a carbohydrate commonly used to sweeten food and beverages. It can be derived from various sources such as sugarcane or sugar beets and is a key ingredient in many culinary applications.
Example sentences...

❌ She decided to cut down on her suger intake to promote a healthier lifestyle.

🧁 She decided to cut down on her sugar intake to promote a healthier lifestyle.

What does sugar mean?

Parts of Speech: Noun

a. (chiefly Chemistry) A sweet, crystallizable carbohydrate that consists wholly or essentially of sucrose. It is colorless or white when pure, tending to brown when less refined. Sugar is obtained commercially from sugarcane or sugar beet and less extensively from sorghum, maples, and palms. It is an important source of dietary carbohydrate and is used as a sweetener and preservative of other foods. (Formula: C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁)

b. (General) Any of various water-soluble compounds that vary widely in sweetness, include the monosaccharides and oligosaccharides, and typically are optically active. (Examples: glucose, fructose, lactose)

c. (figurative) Excessive sentimentality or flattery.

How do you spell sugar?

S-U-G-A-R. Sugar is a five-letter word that refers to a sweet crystalline substance, commonly used as a sweetener in food and drinks.

How to pronounce "sugar"

In British English, "sugar" is pronounced "shu·guh."

In American English, "sugar" is pronounced "shu·gr."

Additional notes:
This is just the standard pronunciation, and there may be slight variations depending on regional accents and individual speech patterns.

The use of "suger" and "sugar" over time

From the graph below, we can see that "sugar" occurs more frequently than "suger." Its peak use was in the 1920s.

Suger vs. Sugar: Which is the Correct Spelling?

Why would sugar be misspelled as sugar?

Here are some possible reasons why someone might misspell it as "suger":

  • Typos: This is the most common reason for misspellings. "Sugar" is a fairly easy word to type, but it's still possible to accidentally hit the "e" key instead of the "u" key.
  • Unfamiliarity: If someone isn't familiar with the word "sugar," they might guess at the spelling based on how it sounds.

Other common misspellings of "sugar"

  1. suagr
  2. suggar
  3. sugarr
  4. shugar
  5. sugur
  6. sugir
  7. suger
  8. suager
  9. sugaar

Example sentences of the misspelling of "sugar" as "suger"

  1. While baking, be cautious not to mistakenly add "suger" instead of the correct ingredient, sugar, to your recipe.
  2. The nutritional label clearly indicates the presence of sugar, not the misspelled "suger," in this cereal.
  3. In the English language, "suger" is an incorrect spelling; the accurate term for the sweet substance is sugar.
  4. The coffee shop apologized for the menu typo, clarifying that they use only pure sugar, not "suger," in their beverages.
  5. If you notice the word "suger" on a website or document, it's likely a spelling error, and the intended term should be sugar.

Example sentences of "sugar"

  1. She stirred a spoonful of sugar into her coffee, savoring the sweet aroma.
  2. The pastry chef carefully measured the sugar to achieve the perfect balance in the cake batter.
  3. My grandmother's cookies are a delightful combination of butter, flour, and sugar.
  4. A sprinkle of sugar on fresh strawberries enhances their natural sweetness.
  5. The recipe called for brown sugar, giving the barbecue sauce a rich and caramelized flavor.
  6. It's essential to limit added sugar intake for a healthier lifestyle.
  7. The hummingbird eagerly sipped nectar from the flower, enjoying its natural sugar content.
  8. In tea, he preferred a moderate amount of sugar to complement the robust flavor.
  9. The kids couldn't resist the temptation of the candy jar filled with colorful sweets and sugar treats.
  10. The caramelized sugar on top of the crème brûlée created a satisfyingly crunchy layer.

Synonyms for "sugar"

  1. Glucose
  2. Saccharide
  3. Honey
  4. Syrup
  5. Fructose
  6. Sweetening
  7. Nectar
  8. Molasses

Suger vs. Sugar: Which is the Correct Spelling?

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Suger vs. Sugar: Which is the Correct Spelling? 


Definition of SUGAR
a sweet crystallizable material that consists wholly or essentially of sucrose, is colorless or white when pure tending to brown when less refined, is obtained commercially from sugarcane or sugar beet and less extensively from sorghum, maples, and palms, and is important as… See the full definition
Suger vs. Sugar: Which is the Correct Spelling?