A stereotype is a widely held, oversimplified, and often negative idea or belief about a particular group of people, based on flawed assumptions and incomplete information. It can lead to unfair judgments and discrimination against individuals in that group.

When to use it

"Stereotype" is used to describe a generalization or an oversimplified belief about a particular group of people. These beliefs are often based on incomplete or inaccurate information, and can be negative or positive.

For example, a common stereotype is that all Asians are good at math. This stereotype is not necessarily true for all individuals, and can be harmful because it can lead to discrimination or unfair treatment based solely on a person's race.

So, "stereotype" is when people make assumptions about a group of people based on characteristics that are perceived to be shared by all members of that group, without considering specific differences or individual qualities.

Example sentences

  1. The stereotype that all women are bad drivers is completely unfounded.
  2. He was initially judged based on his ethnicity, a common stereotype in our society.
  3. The media tends to perpetuate stereotypes about different groups of people.
  4. We must break down the stereotype that success can only be achieved through working endless hours.
  5. While he fits the physical stereotype of a football player, he is actually much more interested in art.
  6. The stereotype that all millennials are lazy and entitled is completely untrue.
  7. Their decision to hire based on gender instead of qualifications only perpetuates harmful stereotypes.
  8. It's important to recognize when we are using stereotypes to make assumptions about others.
  9. The negative stereotype that surrounds mental illness can make it difficult for people to seek help.
  10. By refusing to conform to gender norms, she is breaking down the stereotype that women must act a certain way.

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Stereotype - Wikipedia
1. a set idea that people have about what someone or something is like…