"Slure" is not the correct spelling. The correct spelling is "slur."

"Slur" is a noun or a verb used to describe an insulting or demeaning remark or action aimed at discrediting or belittling someone or something. It can be used in various contexts, such as a derogatory comment about a person's race, ethnicity, or character, or as a musical term to describe a smooth and connected transition between notes.

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As a noun:

  1. A "slur" refers to an insulting, derogatory, or offensive remark or statement made about someone or something. It is a form of verbal attack that is intended to demean, belittle, or discredit the subject. Slurs often target a person's race, ethnicity, gender, or other personal characteristics.
  2. In music, a "slur" is a symbol used in sheet music to indicate that a series of notes should be played or sung smoothly and connected, without any pause or separation between them.

As a verb:

  1. To "slur" means to make an insulting or offensive comment about someone or something, often with the intent to damage their reputation or cause harm.
  2. In music, to "slur" means to play or sing a series of notes smoothly and connected, following the musical notation indicated by the slur symbol in the sheet music.

Example sentences

  1. He used a racial slur to insult his coworker, causing tension in the workplace.
  2. The actress faced criticism for using a homophobic slur in her social media post.
  3. The musician played the fast-paced passage with perfectly executed slurs, creating a seamless melody.
  4. The teacher reprimanded the student for slurring his classmates during recess.
  5. The journalist was accused of slurring the reputation of a prominent politician in her article.
  6. The conductor emphasized the importance of correct slurring in the musical performance.
  7. She felt hurt when her peers used hurtful slurs to mock her appearance.
  8. The vocalist's smooth and expressive performance was achieved through skillful slurring of notes.
  9. The comedian faced backlash for including offensive slurs in his stand-up routine.
  10. He was offended by the racial slur directed at him during the argument.

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1. to pronounce the sounds of a word in a way that is wrong or not clear: 2…
Definition of SLUR
an insulting or disparaging remark or innuendo : aspersion; a shaming or degrading effect : stain, stigma; a blurred spot in printed matter : smudge… See the full definition