Sell is a verb that means to exchange a product or service for money or some other form of payment. Sale is a noun that refers to the act of selling or the event during which products or services are sold at a reduced price.

Sell and sale are two words often used in the realm of commerce and business, and they refer to distinct aspects of the buying and selling process.

What does sell mean?

Sell is a verb, and it refers to the action of transferring ownership of a product, service, or asset from a seller to a buyer in exchange for money or other forms of payment. When someone sells something, they are actively engaged in the process of finding a buyer and completing the transaction.

Example sentence

  • A salesperson might sell a car to a customer, meaning they facilitate the transfer of ownership from the dealership to the buyer.

What does sale mean?

Sale is a noun, and it refers to the actual event or process of selling. It is often used to describe a specific instance or occurrence where goods or services are offered at a reduced price, usually for a limited duration or as part of a promotional effort.

A "sale" can also refer to the total amount of money generated from selling goods or services within a certain period.

Example sentence

  • A store might have a sale on clothing, offering discounts on various items for a week.

Common idions/phrases

  • Sell like hotcakes: This phrase means that something is selling very quickly and in large quantities.

Example: The new iPhone model is selling like hotcakes.

  • Sell someone a bill of goods: To deceive or persuade someone to believe something that is not true or worthwhile.

Example: Don't trust that salesman; he tried to sell me a bill of goods.

  • Sell yourself short: To underestimate or undervalue your abilities or worth.

Example: Don't sell yourself short in the job interview; you have a lot to offer.

  • Sell out: To betray one's principles or values for personal gain, often used in the context of abandoning one's ideals for profit.

Example: The musician used to be authentic, but he sold out when he signed with a major record label.

  • Fire sale: A sale in which goods or assets are sold at greatly reduced prices, often due to a desperate need to sell quickly.

Example: The company had a fire sale to liquidate its assets after declaring bankruptcy.

  • On sale: Refers to items that are available for purchase at a reduced price or a discounted rate.

Example: Those shoes are on sale for 50% off this weekend.

  • Hard sell: An aggressive or forceful sales approach used to persuade someone to buy a product or service.

Example: The car salesman gave me a hard sell, but I didn't feel comfortable making a decision under pressure.

  • Soft sell: A gentle or subtle sales approach that focuses on building a relationship and trust with the customer.

Example: The soft sell tactic of providing informative brochures and letting the customer make their own decision often works better in our industry.

  • Bargain sale: A sale in which items are sold at a lower price than usual, often to attract customers or clear out inventory.

Example: The department store had a bargain sale on winter coats to make room for spring merchandise.

  • Close the sale: The final step in the selling process, where the salesperson persuades the customer to make a purchase.

Example: The sales representative used his persuasive skills to close the sale successfully.

Practice Questions

  1. She decided to sell/sale her antique furniture at a garage sale.
  2. The real estate agent worked hard to sell/sale the house quickly before the winter season.
  3. The store's summer sale/sell attracted a large crowd of shoppers looking for discounts.
  4. He wanted to sell/sale his artwork at the local art gallery's exhibition.
  5. The company aims to sell/sale its products through online channels as well as physical stores.
  6. The car dealership had a special sale/sell event, offering significant discounts on their vehicles.
  7. They were able to sell/sale their homemade crafts at the weekend market.
  8. The sales team met their target and celebrated their successful sale/sell quarter.
  9. The decision to sell/sale their family business was a difficult one, but it was necessary for their financial future.
  10. He plans to sell/sale his collection of rare comic books at an upcoming collectors' convention.

In summary, sell is the action of transferring ownership, while sale is the event, process, or result of selling. Both terms are fundamental in the world of commerce, and understanding their distinction is essential for effective communication in business transactions.

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Answer key

  1. sell
  2. sell
  3. sale
  4. sell
  5. sell
  6. sale
  7. sell
  8. sale
  9. sell
  10. sell


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