• "Salery" is an incorrect spelling of the word "Salary."
  • A "salary" is a fixed regular payment received by an employee for their work.
For example...

❌​​ The promotion came with a significant boost in salery and additional benefits.

✅ The promotion came with a significant boost in salary and additional benefits.

What does "salary" mean?

"Salary" is a noun meaning a fixed and regular payment made by an employer to an employee as part of a negotiated agreement, usually expressed on an annual basis, and paid at regular intervals. It doesn't "Salary" is the singular form, and "salaries" is the plural form. Below are some common terms associated with "salary."

  1. Fixed Compensation: A predetermined and fixed amount of money paid regularly by an employer to an employee for their services. This fixed compensation is often expressed on an annual basis and is not subject to hourly or daily fluctuations.
  2. Regular Payment: Salaries are usually paid at regular intervals, commonly monthly, although some may receive salaries on a bi-weekly or semi-monthly basis. This regularity provides employees with a stable and predictable income.
  3. Professional and Salaried Positions: While hourly and waged workers are compensated based on the number of hours worked, salaried positions often involve a fixed annual compensation, regardless of the actual hours worked, emphasizing a focus on the completion of tasks and responsibilities.
  4. Total Compensation Package: A total compensation package encompasses all the various forms of compensation and benefits that an employee receives in addition to their salary. It includes elements such as bonuses, commissions, health insurance, retirement contributions, stock options, and other perks or allowances.
Salery vs. Salary: Which Is Correct?

The use of "salary" and "salery" over time

The Ngram graph below shows how often "salary" and "salery" have been used from the 1800s to the 2000s. "Salary" peaked in use in the 1920s and 1950s, and has since decreased in use, while its misspelling "salery" has always seen nearly zero use.

Salery vs. Salary: Which Is Correct?

How to pronounce "salary"

"Salary" is pronounced nearly identically in American English and British English, although American English may have a stronger short "a" vowel in the first syllable.

  • Phonetic Pronunciation: SAL-uh-ree
  • SAL: Pronounced like "sal," rhyming with "pal."
  • uh: Pronounced like "uh," similar to the "a" in "sofa."
  • ree: Pronounced like "ree," rhyming with "tree."

Why would we misspell "salary" as "salery"?

Similar words: This error might be influenced by the pronunciation of the word, as the ending sounds similar to words that end with "-ery," like "celery."

Typo/Autocorrect: Typing fast or on an unfamiliar keyboard can easily lead to mistakes like substituting "e" for "a," especially if autocorrect isn't set to recognize the correct spelling.

Other common misspellings of "salary"

  1. sallary
  2. salry
  3. sallery
  4. salarie
  5. celery

Example sentences of the misspelling of "salary" as "salery"

  1. It's crucial to recognize that "salery" is not the correct spelling of "salary" and may lead to confusion in written communication.
  2. Professional documents require accuracy, so it's essential to avoid the common misspelling "salery" and use the correct term, "salary."
  3. When discussing compensation or financial matters, using the accurate spelling "salary" instead of "salery" enhances clarity.
  4. Spell-check tools often flag "salery" as an error, prompting users to choose the correct spelling, which is "salary."
  5. English language conventions dictate that "salery" is a misspelling, and writers should strive for precision by using the proper spelling, "salary."

Example sentences of "salary"

  1. She negotiated a higher salary when accepting the new job offer.
  2. The company offers competitive salaries to attract skilled professionals.
  3. Employees often anticipate an annual increase in their salary based on performance reviews.
  4. He was content with the consistent monthly salary he received from his employer.
  5. Negotiating your starting salary is a common practice during job interviews.
  6. The management announced a bonus on top of the regular salary as a year-end reward.
  7. Understanding your net salary involves considering deductions and taxes.
  8. The organization conducted a survey to ensure its salary structure remained competitive in the industry.
  9. Many professionals prioritize job satisfaction over a high salary.
  10. It's essential to budget wisely to manage your expenses within your monthly salary.
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Synonyms for "salary"

  1. Wage
  2. Earnings
  3. Compensation
  4. Income
  5. Pay
  6. Remuneration
  7. Stipend
  8. Payment
  9. Allowance

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Salery vs. Salary: Which Is Correct?


Definition of SALARY
fixed compensation paid regularly for services… See the full definition