• "Runing" is the incorrect spelling of "running."
  • "Running" is a form of locomotion characterized by a rapid, coordinated movement of the legs, typically resulting in a continuous, forward motion of the body.
For example...

❌ She felt the wind in her hair as she continued runing along the scenic trail, enjoying the rhythm of her footsteps.

✅ She felt the wind in her hair as she continued running along the scenic trail, enjoying the rhythm of her footsteps.

In this sentence, "running" refers to the act of moving rapidly and continuously on foot along the scenic trail, creating a rhythmic pattern with her footsteps.



  1. Move at a faster pace than walking, using an alternating gait in which both feet are off the ground at some point in each stride. (e.g., She's running to catch the bus.)
  2. Travel or operate quickly. (e.g., The engine is running smoothly.)
  3. Continue without interruption or pause. (e.g., The water is running in the sink.)
  4. Seek election or compete for a position. (e.g., He's running for president.)


  1. The act of moving at a speed faster than walking. (e.g., I went for a run this morning.)
  2. A recurring or continuous series of events. (e.g., a production run of cars)
  3. A race or other athletic competition involving running. (e.g., the marathon)
Helpful tips

• Different sports or contexts may have specific terms for different types of running, such as sprinting, jogging, or distance running.
• Running can be a form of exercise, transportation, or competition.
• The definition of running can be nuanced depending on the context.

Examining the graph below, we can see that the use in frequency between "running" and "runing" differ by quite a lot. The use of the word "running" has increased steeply, starting from the 1990s.

Runing or Running: Which is Correct?

How do we pronounce running?

In American English, "running" is pronounced ruh·nuhng.

In British English, "running is pronounced ruh·nuhng.

Additional notes:
These are just the standard pronunciations, and there may be slight variations depending on regional accents and individual speech patterns.

Why does the misspelling of running as runing occur?

The misspelling of "running" as "runing" can occur for several reasons:

1. Phonetic Similarity:

  • "Running" and "runing" sound very similar, especially when spoken quickly or carelessly. This can lead to confusion and accidental misspelling, particularly for people who are still learning to spell or for those who don't have strong phonemic awareness.

2. Lack of Knowledge:

  • Simply not knowing the correct spelling of "running" is another potential reason for the misspelling. This can happen for younger children, those with learning difficulties, or even adults who haven't encountered the word much in writing.

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Other misspellings of running

Below are other common misspellings of "running" other than "runing."

  1. Runnin
  2. Runnig
  3. Ranning
  4. Rinning
  5. Runnning
  6. Runiing
  7. Runnning
  8. Runing
  9. Runnnig
  10. Runnung

Example sentences for the misuse of the word running as runing

Below are example sentences highlighting that “runing” is an incorrect spelling.

  1. The correct spelling of the word is "running," not "runing."
  2. Please note that "runing" is a misspelling; the accurate term is "running."
  3. If you see the term "runing," it's an error; the proper spelling is "running."
  4. There seems to be a typo; the word should be spelled as "running," not "runing."
  5. Just to clarify, the correct way to spell it is "running," not with a single 'n' as in "runing."
  6. It's important to use the correct spelling in formal writing; avoid the mistake of using "runing" instead of "running."
  7. The misspelling "runing" is incorrect; make sure to use the standard spelling, which is "running."
  8. In proper English, the term is spelled "running," so please correct any instances of "runing" in your text.
  9. If you come across the term "runing," be aware that it's not the right spelling; it should be "running."
  10. Double-check your writing for accuracy; the correct spelling is "running," and "runing" is a common misspelling.

Example sentences of running

  1. I love running in the morning; it energizes me for the day ahead.
  2. Running through the park is a great way to enjoy nature and stay fit.
  3. She is training for a marathon and spends hours each week running long distances.
  4. The children were happily running around the playground, laughing and playing tag.
  5. After a stressful day, I find solace in running; it helps clear my mind.
  6. The cheetah is known for its incredible speed while running, making it the fastest land animal.
  7. I started running as a form of exercise, and now it has become a regular part of my routine.
  8. The sound of footsteps echoed through the forest as the runners navigated the trail.
  9. The soccer players were running tirelessly on the field, chasing the ball with determination.
  10. Running a business requires dedication, hard work, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.

Synonyms for running

  1. Jogging
  2. Sprinting
  3. Trotting
  4. Dashing
  5. Racing
  6. Galloping
  7. Hurdling
  8. Loping
  9. Rushing
  10. Speeding

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Runing or Running: Which is Correct?


Definition of RUNNING
the action of running; race; physical condition for running… See the full definition
Runing or Running: Which is Correct?