The term "relayed" is the past tense form of the verb "relay," which means to pass on, convey, or communicate information or a message from one person or source to another. It involves transmitting information or a message to someone else.

For example, imagine you are at a business meeting, and your boss asks you to relay a message to your colleague sitting across the room. In this situation, you would be responsible for passing on or communicating the message from your boss to your colleague. Suppose the message about a project getting approved for a higher budget. You would then pass on the message to your colleague and tell them that your boss said the project was approved for a higher budget. Typically when you relay a message, you would also tell the receiver who the message is from, which in this case would be your boss.

You can also relay a phone call, meaning you can transfer the other party on the line to a different department or number. For instance, suppose you are working as a customer service representative for a credit card company. You get a call from a customer who needs help with her stolen credit card number. You would then relay the call to the appropriate department that takes care of canceling and reissuing credit cards.

Example sentences

  1. He relayed the important news to his team during the morning briefing.
  2. The dispatcher relayed the emergency call to the nearest police station.
  3. She relayed the customer's feedback to the product development team.
  4. The captain relayed the orders to the crew members over the intercom.
  5. The teacher relayed the instructions for the upcoming exam to the students.
  6. The phone operator relayed the call to the appropriate department.
  7. He quickly relayed the message from headquarters to the field agents.
  8. The news anchor relayed the breaking news to viewers across the country.
  9. She relayed her travel plans to her family before leaving for the trip.
  10. The coach relayed the strategy to the players before the championship game.

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Relay Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
RELAY meaning: 1 : a race between teams in which each team member runs, swims, etc., a different part of the race; 2 : the act of passing something from one person or device to another