"Reived" is a Scottish word that was historically used to describe the act of raiding or plundering, often in a violent or aggressive manner. In the context of Scottish history, particularly in the Middle Ages and early modern period, "reiving" referred to the border raids and acts of cattle rustling that were common along the border between Scotland and England.

The individuals who engaged in these activities were known as "reivers." They would conduct raids on both sides of the border, stealing livestock, and goods, sometimes engaging in acts of violence.

While "reived" is not commonly used in modern English, it is a historical term that reflects a specific aspect of Scottish history and the border conflicts of the past.

Because "reived" is an uncommon word, a person may have intended any of the following more common words:

  • revived
  • revere
  • relieved
  • reined
  • reviled
  • reviewed

Example sentences

  1. The reived livestock was quickly herded away by the raiders.
  2. The townsfolk suffered greatly as their crops were reived by marauding bands.
  3. The lord of the manor accused the neighboring clan of having reived his gold.
  4. He recounted the harrowing tale of how his family's homestead was reived.
  5. The stolen treasures were reived from the monastery's sacred vaults.
  6. The villagers were devastated when their provisions were reived by the raiding party.
  7. The reived goods were often hidden in remote mountain hideouts.
  8. The sheriff vowed to bring the reived property and livestock back to their rightful owners.
  9. The ancient legends spoke of the cunning tactics used by those who reived.
  10. The reived riches fueled the ambitions of the borderland's rival clans.

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