For formal writing, academic papers, and professional communication, it is advisable to avoid "irregardless", as the word can be viewed as incorrect, and opt for the accepted term "regardless" to ensure clarity and correctness in your language use.

What does regardless mean?

"Regardless" is the more widely accepted and standard term in English. It is used to convey the idea of without regard or consideration for something. When you use "regardless," you are indicating that a particular factor or condition will not influence a decision or action.

For example, "She decided to go on the trip regardless of the bad weather forecast," means that the weather forecast is not affecting her decision to go on the trip.

Example sentences

  1. She decided to pursue her dreams, regardless of the obstacles in her path.
  2. Regardless of the rain, the outdoor concert went on as scheduled.
  3. He remains committed to his principles, regardless of public opinion.
  4. Regardless of the cost, they were determined to renovate their historic home.
  5. The manager insisted on providing excellent customer service, regardless of the time of day.
  6. Regardless of the outcome, participating in the competition was a valuable experience.
  7. She continued to smile and be polite, regardless of the challenging circumstances.
  8. They maintained a strong friendship, regardless of the distance between them.
  9. The company prioritized environmental sustainability, regardless of the additional expenses involved.
  10. Regardless of the season, he enjoys hiking in the mountains.

Synonyms for regardless

  1. Irrespective
  2. Nevertheless
  3. Nonetheless
  4. Notwithstanding
  5. Even so
  6. However
  7. Yet
  8. Still
  9. Even though
  10. In spite of

Common idioms/phrases

While these idioms may not use the word "regardless" directly, they convey similar sentiments of proceeding or continuing despite obstacles or conditions.

  • Hell or high water: This idiom signifies a determination to proceed with a plan, regardless of obstacles or adverse conditions.
  • No matter what: This is a straightforward way to express that something will be done or considered without being influenced by external factors.
  • Without fail: This phrase means to do something consistently and reliably, regardless of circumstances.
  • At any rate: This expression indicates that something will be done or considered despite uncertainty or other factors.

What does irregardless mean?

"Irregardless" is a non-standard or informal variation of "regardless." It combines "ir-" (a negative prefix) with "regardless," essentially creating a double negative. This results in the literal meaning of "irregardless" being "without without regard." Due to its redundancy, many language purists and grammar enthusiasts consider "irregardless" incorrect and criticize its use in formal writing and speech. Instead of saying "irregardless," it is considered more appropriate to use the word "regardless" to convey the same meaning.

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Is *Irregardless a Word? | Definition & Spelling
Regardless is an adverb meaning “despite everything.” It’s often used as a transition word at the start of a sentence to change the topic. “Irregardless”