The term "redundant" refers to something that is excessive, unnecessary, or repetitive. It can indicate an excess or surplus of something, the obsolescence of a certain item or practice, the inclusion of repetitive or duplicate information, or the dismissal or laying off of employees due to job redundancy. Whether in language, objects, or employment, "redundant" implies an unnecessary or nonessential nature.

When to use it

People use 'redundant' when they want to refer to something that is no longer needed or is superfluous. It can also be used to refer to someone who has lost their job due to their employer no longer requiring their services, or because their employer has gone out of business. Additionally, it can be used to describe something that is repetitive or unnecessary, such as redundant information in a document or a redundant process in a workflow.

Example sentences

  1. With the advent of automation, many manual labor jobs have become redundant.
  2. The company decided to downsize, making several employees redundant.
  3. His repeated explanations became redundant, as we already understood the concept.
  4. The extra information included in the report was redundant and only added to its length.
  5. Due to technological advancements, the need for fax machines has become redundant.
  6. The use of both "overjoyed" and "ecstatic" in the sentence was redundant since they convey the same emotion.
  7. The backup power generator ensures uninterrupted electricity supply, making power outages redundant.
  8. After the merger, some departments were combined, making certain positions redundant.
  9. The repetitive nature of his speech made it sound redundant and lacking in originality.
  10. The new computer system eliminated the need for manual data entry, rendering the old process redundant.

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Definition of REDUNDANT
exceeding what is necessary or normal : superfluous; characterized by or containing an excess; specifically : using more words than necessary; characterized by similarity or repetition… See the full definition
1. (especially of a word, phrase, etc.) unnecessary because it is more than is…