"Recooperated" is not a recognized word in the English language. The correct spelling you're likely looking for is "recuperated."

"Recuperated" is a word used to describe the process of recovering or regaining one's health, strength, energy, or losses after a period of illness, fatigue, or hardship. When someone has been sick or tired, they might need rest and time to get better. "Recuperated" is the past tense form of the verb "recuperate," which means to get back to a better physical or mental state after not feeling well or after facing difficulties. It's like bouncing back and becoming healthy, strong, or energetic again after going through a tough time.

Common misspellings of "recuperated" include:

  • Recouperated
  • Recooparated
  • Recuperatted
  • Recuperatied
  • Recupereted
  • Recoverated
  • Recupered
  • Recupperated
  • Recoupereted
  • Recuperateed

Example sentences

  1. After a week of rest and proper care, she finally recuperated from the flu and felt much better.
  2. The athlete took a few days off to recuperate after a strenuous competition to prevent injuries.
  3. The company's profits slowly recuperated after a challenging financial quarter.
  4. He needed several weeks to fully recuperate from the surgery and regain his strength.
  5. The vacation was a chance for them to relax and recuperate from the stresses of work.
  6. The team decided to give the injured player some time to recuperate before returning to the game.
  7. The hiker stopped to rest and recuperate after a long hike up the mountain.
  8. The economy gradually recuperated after the recession, leading to increased job opportunities.
  9. The animals were brought to a shelter to be nurtured and to recuperate from their injuries.
  10. The singer canceled a few shows to allow her voice to recuperate after straining it during a performance.

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1. to become well again after an illness; to get back your strength, health…
Definition of RECUPERATED
to get back : regain; to bring back into use or currency : revive; to regain a former state or condition; especially : to recover health or strength… See the full definition