'Prouder' is the more correct and preferable choice when writing in English, but 'more proud' is both correct and widely accepted. Both imply a higher level of pride or a stronger sense of accomplishment in one's actions or achievements.

In the vast realm of English grammar, the use of comparative adjectives plays a crucial role in expressing degrees of comparison. Two such words that often lead to some confusion are "prouder" and "more proud." Both terms convey a similar meaning but are employed in different contexts. Understanding the nuances of when to use one over the other can help you master this aspect of English usage.

First, let's establish the meanings of these terms:


"Prouder" is a comparative adjective used when comparing the pride of two or more people or things. It implies a higher level of pride or a stronger sense of accomplishment in one's actions or achievements.

More Proud

"More proud" is another way to express the same idea. It is also a comparative adjective used to compare pride, but it is typically employed in situations where the base adjective "proud" is lengthened, or when the word "proud" is part of a longer phrase.

Common Idioms and Phrases

  • "Walking on air" - This idiom expresses the feeling of immense happiness and pride. You might say, "After winning the championship, she was walking on air, feeling even prouder of her team's achievement."
  • "Bursting with pride" - When someone is "bursting with pride," they are overwhelmed with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. For instance, "He was bursting with pride when he received the award, feeling more proud than ever."
  • "A proud moment" - This phrase signifies a time of personal or collective accomplishment. "Graduating from college was a proud moment in her life, and her family couldn't have been prouder."


While "prouder" and "more proud" are commonly used, you can also express the same idea using synonyms like...

  • More pleased

Her daughter's graduation from a prestigious university made her more pleased than she had ever been, knowing she had raised her well.

  • More satisfied

Her dedicated efforts in completing the marathon left her feeling more satisfied than ever with her physical abilities and determination.

  • More content

Having achieved a state of inner peace and contentment, he was more content with his life's journey than ever before.

Example sentences

  1. After acing the difficult exam, she felt prouder/more proud than ever.
  2. Winning the championship was a prouder/more proud moment for the team.
  3. He always seems prouder/more proud when talking about his children's achievements.
  4. Jane was prouder/more proud of her brother for his outstanding performance in the school play.
  5. The team's coach was prouder/more proud of their dedication to improving their skills.
  6. Their parents were prouder/more proud when they both graduated from prestigious universities.
  7. She couldn't help but feel prouder/more proud as she watched her child receive the academic award, realizing how much effort and dedication had gone into achieving it.
  8. The coach was prouder/more proud of his team's sportsmanship and integrity than he was of their winning record, emphasizing the importance of character over victories.
  9. After completing the marathon, I couldn't have been prouder/more proud of my personal accomplishment, knowing the training and perseverance that had led me to the finish line.
  10. As they unveiled their latest product, the company's CEO couldn't have been prouder/more proud of the innovative technology and design their team had developed, setting new industry standards.

Remember, understanding when to use "prouder" and "more proud" correctly can enhance the precision and eloquence of your communication. So, keep practicing and honing your skills to become a more confident and proficient English speaker and writer.

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Prouder or More Proud - Which Is Correct?
Have you ever wondered, “what is the comparative of ‘proud’?” or “ Is prouder a word?” This page examines the comparative and superlative forms of “proud” and shows the terms in context. Prouder or More Proud – Which Is Correct? The correct grammatical comparative form of “proud” is “prouder” becaus…