• "Proced" is an incorrect spelling of the word "proceed."
  • "Proceed" means to continue with a course of action or move forward, often in a planned or orderly manner.
For example...

❌​​ After the meeting, the team decided to proced with the implementation of the new project timeline.

✅ After the meeting, the team decided to proceed with the implementation of the new project timeline.

In this sentence, "proceed" signifies the team's decision to continue or move forward with the planned implementation of the new project timeline.

What does "proceed" mean?

Imagine you're standing at a crossroads, unsure if you should stop or keep going. "Proceed" is like the arrow pointing you forward, giving you the green light to move on and keep going. It's about taking the next step.

Here are some ways to think about "proceed":

  • Physically: You might proceed down the street, past the bakery and towards the library. It's about the act of moving from one place to another.
  • Figuratively: After finishing a chapter, you proceed to the next one in your book. It's about continuing an activity or process.
  • Formally: When a judge says "Proceed," it signifies permission to begin speaking or presenting evidence in court. It's about moving on to the next stage of a formal process.
  • Mentally: You might proceed with caution after hearing some worrying news. It's about moving forward deliberately and carefully, considering the potential risks.

So, "proceed" is all about momentum and continuity.

Proced vs. Proceed: Which is Correct?

The use of "proced" and "proceed" over time

The Ngram graph below shows how often "proced" and "proceed" have been used from the 1800s to the 2000s. "Proceed" has maintained some level of use despite steadily declining in use since the 1820s, while its misspelling "proced" has always seen nearly zero use.

Proced vs. Proceed: Which is Correct?

How to pronounce "proceed"

In both British and American English, "proceed" is pronounced like "pruh·seed".

Additional notes:
This is just the standard pronunciation, and there may be slight variations depending on regional accents and individual speech patterns.

Why would we misspell "proceed" as "proced"?

1. Typo: "Proced" is essentially "proceed" with a missing "e", which means someone could accidentally skip the second "e". This is especially common when typing quickly or not focusing closely on the spelling.

2. False analogy: People might erroneously associate "proceed" with words that follow a pattern of having a single vowel followed by a consonant, such as "precede". This false analogy could lead them to misspell "proceed" as "proced" by assuming a similar pattern in spelling.

Other common misspellings of "proceed"

  1. Procede
  2. Procced
  3. Pocceed
  4. Procedd
  5. Proccede

Example sentences of the misspelling of "proceed" as "proced"

  1. It's essential to recognize that "proced" is not the correct spelling; the accurate term is "proceed."
  2. When discussing moving forward with plans, avoid the misspelling "proced" and use the correct term, "proceed."
  3. Using "proced" may lead to confusion; ensure you spell it correctly as "proceed" in your communication.
  4. Correct your spelling to "proceed" instead of "proced" to accurately convey the idea of continuing or moving forward.
  5. Don't compromise clarity by using the incorrect spelling "proced"; the right term is "proceed."

Example sentences of "proceed"

  1. The council decided to proceed with the construction of the new community center.
  2. Before you proceed with the online purchase, review the terms and conditions carefully.
  3. After thorough discussions, the committee agreed to proceed with the proposed changes to the policy.
  4. The pilot received clearance to proceed with the takeoff after completing all pre-flight checks.
  5. Following the successful test phase, the company plans to proceed with the full-scale production of the new product.
  6. The judge instructed the jury to proceed with deliberations after hearing the closing arguments.
  7. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the event organizers had to decide whether to proceed or postpone.
  8. The software installation will automatically proceed once you click on the "install" button.
  9. As a precautionary measure, the team decided not to proceed with the outdoor event due to adverse weather conditions.
  10. Please wait for further instructions before you proceed with the next steps of the training program.
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Synonyms for "proceed"

  1. Advance
  2. Continue
  3. Move forward
  4. Progress
  5. Go ahead

Proced vs. Proceed: Which is Correct?

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Proced vs. Proceed: Which is Correct?


Definition of PROCEED
to come forth from a source : issue; to continue after a pause or interruption; to go on in an orderly regulated way… See the full definition
Proced vs. Proceed: Which is Correct?