"Physiognomy" refers to the practice of judging or understanding a person's character, personality, or inner qualities based on their facial features and expressions. In other words, it's the idea that certain facial traits, such as the shape of the eyes, nose, mouth, or other facial features, can provide insights into a person's nature or disposition.

However, it's important to note that the concept of physiognomy is not widely accepted as a reliable way to determine someone's character, as a person's appearance doesn't necessarily reflect their true personality. Physiognomy has been historically used in various cultures, but it has also been criticized for promoting stereotypes and biases based on looks. In modern times, we tend to rely more on getting to know someone through their actions, words, and behavior rather than judging them solely based on their physical appearance.

Example sentences

  1. Some people believe that a person's physiognomy can provide insights into their personality traits.
  2. The ancient art of physiognomy was used by certain cultures to predict a person's future based on their facial features.
  3. He had a calm and serene physiognomy that made people feel at ease around him.
  4. Physiognomy was once thought to reveal a person's intelligence, temperament, and even their potential for success.
  5. Despite his stern physiognomy, he was known for his kind heart and gentle nature.
  6. The study of physiognomy has largely fallen out of favor in modern times due to its lack of scientific validity.
  7. The book discussed the history of physiognomy and its influence on art, literature, and culture.
  8. She was intrigued by the idea of physiognomy but remained skeptical of its accuracy in determining character.
  9. In some historical texts, criminals were depicted with certain physiognomic traits, reinforcing harmful stereotypes.
  10. The professor gave a lecture on the cultural significance of physiognomy throughout different periods in history.

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1. the physical appearance of the face 2. the physical appearance of the face
Definition of PHYSIOGNOMY
the art of discovering temperament and character from outward appearance; the facial features held to show qualities of mind or character by their configuration or expression; external aspect; also : inner character or quality revealed outwardly… See the full definition