• "Paraphenalia" is the incorrect spelling of "paraphernalia."
  • "Paraphernalia" refers to equipment, items, or personal belongings associated with a particular activity, often implying that they are used for a specific purpose or hobby. Additionally, "paraphernalia" can also refer to objects related to drug use or other illicit activities.
For example...

❌ As an avid photographer, Sarah packed her camera, lenses, tripod, and other photographic paraphenalia for the weekend photography expedition.

✅ As an avid photographer, Sarah packed her camera, lenses, tripod, and other photographic paraphernalia for the weekend photography expedition.

In the given sentence, "paraphernalia" refers to the various equipment, tools, and accessories related to photography that Sarah packed for her weekend photography expedition. This includes items such as her camera, lenses, tripod, and any other gear or tools associated with her photographic activities.

Paraphernalia (n.)

1. The personal belongings or equipment used in a particular activity or profession.


  • The photographer packed his paraphernalia – camera, lenses, tripod – and headed out for the shoot.

2. (Law) The personal belongings, apart from dower, reserved by law to a married woman.

  • This usage of "paraphernalia" is less common in modern English.

Additional notes:

• "Paraphernalia" is often used to refer to a collection of assorted or miscellaneous items, suggesting they are necessary or relevant to a specific activity.
• It can sometimes have a slightly negative connotation, implying that the items are excessive or frivolous.
• The singular form of "paraphernalia" is also used, as in "He brought all the necessary paraphernalia for the camping trip."

Origin: Old French parafernaille, from Medieval Latin parapherna, meaning "bride's property beyond her dowry" (from para-, meaning "beyond," and phernē, meaning "dowry").
Paraphenalia or Paraphernalia: Which is Correct? 

Examining the graph below, we can see that the frequency of the use of the words "paraphernalia" and "paraphenalia" differ by quite an extent, with the amount of use of "paraphernalia" far outweighing its incorrect spelling "paraphenalia."

Paraphenalia or Paraphernalia: Which is Correct? 

How do we pronounce paraphernalia?

In American English, "paraphernalia" is pronounced as peh·ruh·fr·nay·lee·uh.

In British English, "paraphernalia" is pronounced as pa·ruh·fuh·nay·lee·uh.

Additional notes:
These are just the standard pronunciations, and there may be slight variations depending on regional accents and individual speech patterns.
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Why does the misspelling of paraphernalia as paraphenalia occur?

Analogy Errors:

  • Similar words like "metaphor" or "phenomena" might influence individuals unfamiliar with the correct spelling to apply the "phen" pattern to "paraphernalia."

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Other misspellings of paraphernalia

  1. parafanalia
  2. paraphanalia
  3. parafinalia
  4. paraphernaila
  5. paraphenelia

Example sentences for the misuse of the word paraphernalia as paraphenalia

  1. In the inventory report, there seems to be a mistake, as "paraphernalia" is misspelled as "paraphenalia."
  2. The correct term for the photography equipment is "paraphernalia," not "paraphenalia" as written in the document.
  3. Please note the spelling error in the presentation slides; it should be "paraphernalia," not "paraphenalia."
  4. The signage at the exhibit contains a misspelling—make sure to correct "paraphenalia" to the accurate term, "paraphernalia."
  5. The official policy document on recreational activities has a typo; the correct spelling is "paraphernalia," not "paraphenalia."

Example sentences of paraphernalia

  1. The detective discovered a room filled with drug paraphernalia, including syringes, pipes, and small baggies.
  2. As a seasoned chef, Emily organized her kitchen with precision, arranging pots, pans, and various culinary paraphernalia to maximize efficiency.
  3. The camping trip required a checklist of outdoor paraphernalia, such as tents, sleeping bags, and portable stoves.
  4. During the investigation, the police seized electronic paraphernalia used for hacking and unauthorized access to computer systems.
  5. The artist's studio was filled with creative paraphernalia—paints, brushes, canvases, and sculptures in various stages of completion.
  6. The archaeologists meticulously cataloged ancient artifacts and cultural paraphernalia unearthed from the archaeological site.
  7. The hiking enthusiast carefully packed hiking paraphernalia, including a backpack, trekking poles, and a durable pair of boots.
  8. The concertgoers were excitedly decked out in their favorite band's paraphernalia, from T-shirts to hats and posters.
  9. The laboratory technician organized the scientific paraphernalia, ensuring that microscopes, test tubes, and chemicals were readily accessible.
  10. The fitness trainer's gym bag was filled with workout paraphernalia, including resistance bands, protein shakes, and a jump rope.

Synonyms of paraphernalia

  1. Gear
  2. Equipment
  3. Apparatus
  4. Accoutrements
  5. Tools
  6. Kit
  7. Instrumentation
  8. Utensils
  9. Accessories
  10. Implement

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Paraphenalia or Paraphernalia: Which is Correct?


articles of equipment designed for a particular use or activity : apparatus; items or features typically associated with a particular activity, subject, etc. : appurtenances; personal belongings… See the full definition
Paraphenalia or Paraphernalia: Which is Correct?