A parameter describes populations and are typically unknown, while a statistic describes samples and are calculated from the data.

Two fundamental concepts within the realm of statistics are parameters and statistics. These terms are often used interchangeably, but they serve distinct purposes and have essential differences.

What is a parameter?

  • A parameter is a numerical value that describes a characteristic of an entire population.

It represents a fixed, unchanging feature of the population under study. Parameters are typically denoted by Greek letters, such as μ (mu) for the population mean and σ (sigma) for the population standard deviation.

Example sentence

  • If you want to determine the average income of all households in a country, you are dealing with a parameter.

Parameters are primarily used for making inferences about an entire population. They provide a high-level overview of population characteristics, allowing us to draw broad conclusions.

More example sentences

  1. The population growth rate is a critical parameter in urban planning.
  2. The mean score on the standardized test serves as an essential parameter for educational policy decisions.
  3. In climate science, temperature anomalies are used as parameters to study long-term climate trends.
  4. Demographers often rely on parameters like birth and death rates to project future population trends.
  5. In manufacturing, the parameter for acceptable product quality is set based on customer expectations.
  6. The speed of light in a vacuum, denoted as "c," is a fundamental physical parameter.
  7. The parameter for the maximum allowable weight in airline baggage varies depending on the airline's policy.
  8. In economics, the inflation rate is a crucial parameter for assessing the health of an economy.
  9. Engineers consider parameters such as load-bearing capacity when designing bridges and structures.
  10. When designing a survey, researchers must determine the parameter for the acceptable margin of error.

What is a statistic?

A statistic, on the other hand, is a numerical value that describe characteristics of a sample, which is a subset of a population. Statistics can vary from one sample to another and are typically denoted by Latin letters, such as x̄ (x-bar) for the sample mean and s for the sample standard deviation.

Example sentence

  • If you survey a random sample of 500 households to estimate the average income of the population, you are working with statistics.

Statistics are used for making inferences about the sample from which they are derived. They provide insights into the characteristics of a subset of the population. Statistics help us make statements about the average income of the specific 500 households we surveyed, but not about all households in the country.

What does "statistics" mean in general?

Statistics also has a more general meaning; it is the science of collecting, organizing, and analyzing data. It encompasses a wide range of techniques and methodologies used to understand and make sense of data, allowing for informed decision-making. Statistics are used in various fields such as science, business, economics, sociology, medicine, and many others to study patterns, trends, relationships, and uncertainties within data sets.

One concept in statistics that's widely applicable in many fields is expected value, often denoted as E(X). It represents the average outcome of a random variable over many repetitions of an experiment. It is calculated by multiplying each possible outcome of the random variable by its probability of occurring and summing up these products. It's especially relevant in finance, where it helps investors make decisions based on the potential outcomes and their probabilities. You can use an expected value calculator to calculate expected returns on stocks, bonds, or other financial assets.

More example sentence

  1. The statistics show that unemployment rates have decreased over the past year.
  2. The median income, as reported in the statistics, is a key factor in understanding household finances.
  3. The crime statistics for the city indicate a rise in property crimes compared to last year.
  4. These statistics demonstrate a correlation between education level and earning potential.
  5. In sports, statistics like batting average and home runs help evaluate a player's performance.
  6. Market researchers rely on statistics to identify consumer preferences and trends.
  7. The statistics reveal that the average lifespan has increased significantly in the last century.
  8. Social scientists use statistics to analyze survey data and draw conclusions about public opinion.
  9. The statistics suggest that there is a strong positive correlation between exercise and overall health.
  10. When presenting research findings, it's essential to include relevant statistics to support your claims.

Practice questions

  1. In statistics, a parameter/statistic is a numerical value that summarizes data.
  2. The average income of the population is an example of a parameter/statistic.
  3. We need to calculate the sample parameter/statistic to analyze this survey data.
  4. The population parameter/statistic can vary significantly from one country to another.
  5. The median is a valuable parameter/statistic to understand the central tendency of a dataset.
  6. When conducting research, it's crucial to define your study's parameter/statistic.
  7. A confidence interval is often used to estimate a population parameter/statistic.
  8. The standard deviation is a common parameter/statistic used to measure data dispersion.
  9. The census bureau collects various parameters/statistics about the country's population.
  10. The researcher estimated the population parameter/statistic by calculating the sample mean from a random sample.

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Answer Key:

  1. statistic
  2. parameter
  3. statistic
  4. parameter
  5. statistic
  6. parameter
  7. parameter
  8. statistic
  9. statistics
  10. parameter


Parameter vs Statistic | Definitions, Differences & Examples
A parameter is a number describing a whole population (e.g., population mean), while a statistic is a number describing a sample (e.g., sample mean). The