Both "overtly" and "covertly" are correct spellings, but they have different meanings. "Overtly" is an adverb used to describe actions, behaviors, or characteristics that are done openly, without hiding or concealing anything. "Covertly" is an adverb used to describe actions, behaviors, or characteristics that are done in a secretive or hidden manner, with the intention of not being easily seen or noticed by others.

To put it simply, imagine you have two ways of doing something: overtly and covertly. If you do it overtly, you are doing it in a way that is very obvious and can be observed by anyone around you. On the other hand, if you do it covertly, it means you are doing it secretly, trying to keep it hidden or not easily seen by others.

Here's an example to illustrate the difference:

  • Overtly: Taking a piece of chocolate from the pantry and eating it right in front of your family members, making it clear that you are having some chocolate.
  • Covertly: Sneaking a piece of chocolate from the pantry without anyone noticing.

Example sentences using "overtly"

  1. The company overtly promoted its new product through a nationwide advertising campaign.
  2. Despite his reservations, John overtly expressed his support for the controversial policy during the meeting.
  3. The celebrity tried to avoid overtly revealing her relationship with the famous actor to the media.
  4. The politician's speech was filled with overtly patriotic statements to rally support from the crowd.
  5. The teacher appreciated when students asked questions overtly, as it showed their engagement in the topic.
  6. The spy covertly gathered information, while his partner overtly mingled with the crowd to divert suspicion.
  7. The artist's message was conveyed overtly in her bold and provocative artwork.
  8. The manager overtly acknowledged the hard work and dedication of her team during the award ceremony.
  9. Sarah's personality was such that she overtly expressed her emotions, making her feelings transparent to others.
  10. The organization worked covertly behind the scenes, while overtly presenting a united front to the public.

Example sentences using "covertly"

  1. The detective covertly followed the suspect to gather evidence without being detected.
  2. Sarah covertly glanced at her friend's test answers during the exam.
  3. The hackers worked covertly to breach the company's security systems and steal sensitive data.
  4. The team planned their strategy covertly, ensuring their competitors remained unaware of their tactics.
  5. Despite her reservations, Emily covertly attended the party without her parents' knowledge.
  6. The spy covertly slipped the secret documents into the diplomat's briefcase during the meeting.
  7. The students whispered covertly in the library, trying not to disturb others while discussing their project.
  8. The cat watched covertly from behind the curtains, waiting for the perfect moment to pounce on the toy.
  9. The organization covertly funded various charity projects to help those in need without drawing attention.
  10. The journalist covertly recorded the conversation to have evidence of the politician's statements.

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1. in a way that is done or shown publicly or in an obvious way and not secret…
1. secretly, or in a hidden way: 2. secretly, or in a hidden way: