"Oul" is the Irish variant of "old," but it can also be a misspelling for the word "owl."

"Oul" is not considered standard English and is not accepted in formal writing. The properly spelled "old" means pertaining to the past or an early time. Meanwhile, "owl" refers to a bird with a flat face and large eyes that hunts small mammals at night.


"Oul" can also potentially be a misspelling of words like "foul" or "soul."

Example sentences

The following are examples sentences of "old" and "owl."

  1. The owl was perched on the branch looking for small prey.
  2. The old book almost fell apart when I tried to open it.
  3. The man helped the older lady cross the street before the traffic light changed.
  4. Large owls may prey on other birds such as small finches and even other owls.
  5. I asked the little girl how old she was because she was so incredibly talented at the piano.
  6. My supervisor said I should apply for a new drill when the one I am using gets too old.
  7. My friends and I went to an owl cafe in Japan and got to see different types of owls up close.
  8. Even though he was only 15, everyone around him called him an old soul.
  9. The owl flew silently to not alert prey of its presence.
  10. I thought I heard an owl's hoot from that tall tree.

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