• "Officialy" is an incorrect spelling of the word "officially."
  • "Officially" means in a manner that is authorized, recognized, or formal according to official procedures or standards.
For example...

❌​​ The announcement of the election results was officialy made by the electoral commission.

✅ The announcement of the election results was officially made by the electoral commission.

In this context, "officially" describes the manner in which the announcement of the election results was made, adhering to authorized and formal procedures.

What does "officially" mean?

"Officially" packs a double punch, conveying both formality and recognition. Here are some uses of "officially":

a) Actions and Events: When something happens "officially," it's not just happening, it's being acknowledged and endorsed by a relevant authority. Think of elections, competitions, or even your friend's "official apology" after borrowing your favorite shirt (without permission).

b) People and Positions: When someone holds a title "officially," it's not just a casual label, it's a recognized and sanctioned role within a system. From CEOs to athletes, the "official" title carries weight and legitimacy.

c) Information and Communication: When something is communicated "officially," it's not just a whisper in the wind, it's a deliberate statement issued through authorized channels. News releases, press conferences, even your doctor's diagnosis – all strive for that aura of "official" communication.

Officialy vs. Officially: Which is the Correct Spelling?

The use of "officialy" and "officially" over time

The Ngram graph below shows how often "officialy" and "officially" have been used from the 1800s to the 2000s. "Officially" has steadily increased in use since the 1800s, while its misspelling "officialy" has always seen nearly zero use.

Officialy vs. Officially: Which is the Correct Spelling?

How to pronounce "officially"

In both British and American English, "officially" is pronounced like "uh·fi·shuh·lee".

Additional notes:
This is just the standard pronunciation, and there may be slight variations depending on regional accents and individual speech patterns.

Why would we misspell "officially" as "officialy"?

1. Typo: "Officialy" is essentially "officially" with a missing "l", which means someone could accidentally skip the second "l" while writing. This is especially common when typing quickly or not focusing closely on the spelling.

2. Phonetic Influence: Phonetically, there is no difference between a single and double "l". This could lead individuals to associate the word with a single "l" and mistakenly spell it as "officialy" based on perceived phonetics.

Other common misspellings of "officially"

  1. Offically
  2. Officaly
  3. Officailly
  4. Offical
  5. Officali

Example sentences of the misspelling of "officially" as "officialy"

  1. It's crucial to recognize that "officialy" is not the correct spelling; the accurate term is "officially."
  2. When discussing authorized procedures, avoid the misspelling "officialy" and use the correct term, "officially."
  3. Using "officialy" may lead to confusion; ensure you spell it correctly as "officially" in your communication.
  4. Correct your spelling to "officially" instead of "officialy" to accurately convey the idea of adhering to formal standards.
  5. Don't compromise clarity by using the incorrect spelling "officialy"; the right term is "officially."

Example sentences of "officially"

  1. The treaty was officially signed by the representatives of both nations.
  2. The government officially declared a state of emergency in response to the natural disaster.
  3. The new regulations will officially come into effect next month.
  4. The president officially announced the appointment of the new cabinet members.
  5. The project was officially approved by the board of directors during their meeting.
  6. The company officially launched its latest product with a grand unveiling ceremony.
  7. Citizenship is granted officially through a well-defined naturalization process.
  8. The school administration officially recognized the student club, allowing it to operate within the institution.
  9. The merger between the two companies was officially completed after months of negotiations.
  10. The international treaty officially came into force after being ratified by the participating nations.
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Synonyms for "officially"

  1. Formally
  2. Legitimately
  3. Authoritatively
  4. Properly
  5. Validly

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Officialy vs. Officially: Which is the Correct Spelling?


Definition of OFFICIALLY
one who holds or is invested with an office : officer; one who administers the rules of a game or sport especially as a referee or umpire… See the full definition
Officialy vs. Officially: Which is the Correct Spelling?