"Nocturnally" is the adverb form of "nocturnal," which means active during the night. Nocturnal animals include owls, bats, raccoons, and fireflies. These animals will look for food and be active during the night and rest during the day.

The word "nocturnal" comes from the Latin "nocturnus" which means "of the night."

Other related words include:

  • Diurnal: active during the day (humans, lions, and eagles)
  • Crepuscular: active at dawn and dusk (cats, most deer species, skunks)
  • Matutinal: active during the early morning (morning doves, roosters, some frog species)
  • Vespertine: active during evening (some moth species, some owl species, some mosquito species)

The root of "diurnal" is the Latin word "diurnus," which means "of the day," while the root of "crepuscular" is the Latin word "crepusculum," which means "twilight" or "dusk." The root of "matutinal" is the Latin word "matutinus," which means "of the morning," and the root of "vespertine" is the Latin word "vesper," which means "evening" or "dusk."

Example sentences

  1. Owls are nocturnally active predators, using their excellent night vision to hunt for prey.
  2. Bats navigate and locate their prey using echolocation as they fly nocturnally.
  3. Many nocturnally blooming flowers attract pollinators like moths and bats.
  4. Nocturnally migrating birds use the cover of darkness to travel long distances.
  5. Nocturnally foraging foxes search for food under the cover of night.
  6. Some animals, like raccoons, scavenge for food in urban areas and are more active nocturnally.
  7. In the rainforest, the forest floor comes alive with various nocturnally active creatures.
  8. Nocturnally active insects, such as mosquitos, can be a nuisance for people trying to sleep.
  9. Moths are attracted to artificial lights at night because they are nocturnally drawn to sources of light.
  10. Some nocturnally flowering plants rely on bats for pollination as they visit the flowers during the night.

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