"No thanks to you" (or "no thanks to someone") is an expression that means that someone did not positively contribute to a task, accomplishment, or a certain outcome. It suggests that the person being addressed or mentioned did not play a helpful or supportive role in the achievement of a goal or a successful result.

For example, imagine a group project in which one team member was uncooperative, unhelpful, or even obstructive throughout the process. When the project is completed successfully despite this person's lack of contribution, another team member might say, "We succeeded no thanks to you," indicating that the unhelpful person did not contribute to the success.

"No thanks to you" can also be used to mean "despite." Going off of the example above, your team member may say to the unhelpful person, "We managed to complete the project no thanks to you," which means despite that unhelpful person not contributing, the team was still able to finish the project.

Example sentences

  1. The event was a great success, no thanks to the unreliable sound equipment.
  2. She managed to finish the marathon, no thanks to her injured knee.
  3. We passed the exam, but it was no thanks to the unhelpful study group.
  4. The car finally started, no thanks to the dead battery.
  5. The party went smoothly, no thanks to the late delivery of supplies.
  6. The project was completed on time, no thanks to the constant interruptions.
  7. The restaurant received positive reviews, no thanks to the slow service.
  8. They won the game, no thanks to the injured star player.
  9. The garden thrived this year, no thanks to the unpredictable weather.
  10. The company met its quarterly targets, no thanks to the economic downturn.

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no thanks to someone
1. despite: 2. despite: 3. despite someone: