Metaphor is a figure of speech that equates two dissimilar things, while analogy explains an unfamiliar concept by likening it to a more familiar one.

Metaphor and analogy are two powerful tools in the arsenal of language and thought, each serving distinct purposes while sharing a common thread of comparison. They are like two sides of a linguistic coin, offering unique ways to convey abstract ideas and illuminate complex concepts.

What does metaphor mean?

A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes one thing as if it were something else by asserting a direct comparison between them, even though they are fundamentally different. It is used to create vivid imagery and convey abstract or complex ideas.

Example sentence

  • Her smile was a ray of sunshine.

In this metaphor, the person's smile is compared to a ray of sunshine to emphasize its warmth and brightness.

More example sentences

  1. Her laughter was a bubbling brook, filling the room with joy.
  2. Time is a relentless thief, stealing moments from our lives.
  3. The city streets were a maze, and he was lost in its twists and turns.
  4. The teacher's words were a beacon of wisdom in the classroom.
  5. His anger was a volcano ready to erupt at any moment.
  6. She was a bright star in the world of science, illuminating new discoveries.
  7. Love is a delicate flower that needs nurturing to bloom.
  8. The internet is a vast ocean of information waiting to be explored.
  9. His voice was a soothing balm for her troubled soul.
  10. The old house was a time capsule, preserving memories from the past.

What does analogy mean?

An analogy is a cognitive tool that explains a complex or unfamiliar concept by drawing parallels with a more familiar or simpler one. It involves highlighting similarities between two different things to make the unfamiliar concept easier to understand.

Example sentence

  • The circulatory system is like a network of pipes in the body, carrying blood instead of water.

More example sentences

  1. Just as a painter uses a canvas to create art, a writer uses words to craft stories.
  2. Finding a good book in a library is like discovering a hidden treasure in a chest.
  3. The relationship between a teacher and a student is akin to that of a gardener and a plant, nurturing growth and development.
  4. Life is like a rollercoaster, with its ups and downs and unexpected twists.
  5. Just as a bird builds its nest meticulously, a homeowner constructs a house with care and precision.
  6. Time is like a river, constantly flowing forward, never stopping or turning back.
  7. The teamwork on a sports field mirrors the harmony of a symphony orchestra, with each player or musician contributing to the overall performance.
  8. Learning a new language is like unlocking a door to a whole new world of opportunities.
  9. A smile can be as contagious as a yawn, spreading positivity and cheer among those around.
  10. Making a decision without proper information is like navigating through a dense forest without a map, often leading to confusion and uncertainty.

Common idioms/phrases

Metaphors and analogies are both figures of speech that draw comparisons between two seemingly unrelated things to convey a specific meaning or create a vivid image. While they are not typically part of idiomatic expressions themselves, they play a crucial role in enhancing language and communication. Here are some common idioms and phrases that involve metaphors and analogies:

  1. He's a snake in the grass: This idiom uses the metaphor of a snake to describe someone who is deceitful or untrustworthy.
  2. Life is a journey: This analogy compares life to a journey, emphasizing that it involves various stages, experiences, and challenges.
  3. She has a heart of gold: This metaphor suggests that someone is exceptionally kind and compassionate, comparing their heart to a valuable metal.
  4. The world is your oyster: This analogy encourages seizing opportunities and suggests that the world is full of possibilities, like the pearls within an oyster.
  5. Time is money: This analogy equates time with a valuable resource (money), emphasizing the importance of using time efficiently.
  6. Don't put all your eggs in one basket: This metaphor advises against investing everything in a single endeavor, comparing it to eggs in a fragile container.
  7. He's as sly as a fox: This analogy likens someone's cunning or cleverness to the sly nature of a fox.
  8. That idea is a double-edged sword: This metaphor describes a situation or concept that has both positive and negative consequences, like a sword with two sharp edges.
  9. She's as busy as a bee: This analogy compares someone's industriousness and activity level to the busy nature of a bee.
  10. It's like finding a needle in a haystack: This metaphor illustrates a challenging task by comparing it to the difficulty of finding a tiny needle in a large pile of hay.

In essence, metaphor and analogy are akin to two distinct tools in a craftsman's toolbox. Metaphors are the paintbrushes, splashing color and emotion onto the canvas of our minds, while analogies are the precision instruments, helping us dissect and understand the intricate machinery of thought. Whether we seek to inspire, elucidate, or simply enrich our language, these two linguistic devices stand as indispensable allies in our ongoing quest for effective communication and deeper comprehension of the world around us.

Practice Questions

  1. Create an analogy using the pairs of words:
  2. Cat is to kitten as dog is to ___________.

2. Create an analogy using the pairs of words:

  • Tree is to leaves as flower is to ___________.

3. Create an analogy using the pairs of words:

  • Pen is to write as knife is to ___________.

4. Create an analogy using the pairs of words:

  • Boat is to sail as car is to ___________.

5. Create an analogy using the pairs of words:

  • Sun is to day as moon is to ___________.

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Answer Key:


  1. Create an analogy using the pairs of words:
  • Cat is to kitten as dog is to puppy.

2. Create an analogy using the pairs of words:

  • Tree is to leaves as flower is to petals.

3. Create an analogy using the pairs of words:

  • Pen is to write as knife is to cut.

4. Create an analogy using the pairs of words:

  • Boat is to sail as car is to drive.

5. Create an analogy using the pairs of words:

  • Sun is to day as moon is to night.


Definition of ANALOGY
a comparison of two otherwise unlike things based on resemblance of a particular aspect; resemblance in some particulars between things otherwise unlike : similarity… See the full definition