• "Metalic" is the incorrect spelling of "Metallic."
  • "Metallic" typically refers to properties or characteristics associated with metals.
For example...

❌ The metalic sheen of the silver coin caught the sunlight, creating a dazzling sparkle that captivated everyone's attention.

✅ The metallic sheen of the silver coin caught the sunlight, creating a dazzling sparkle that captivated everyone's attention.

In the sentence, the term "metallic" is used to describe the sheen or luster of the silver coin. It refers to the characteristic shiny and reflective quality associated with metals, highlighting how the surface of the coin reflects and interacts with sunlight, creating a dazzling and attention-grabbing sparkle.
Metalic vs. Metallic: Which is Correct?

"Metallic" typically refers to properties or characteristics associated with metals. Metals are a class of elements that are typically solid at room temperature, have good conductivity of heat and electricity, and often exhibit a luster or shine.

Here are some key characteristics of metallic substances:

  1. Conductivity: Metals are generally good conductors of electricity and heat. This is due to the presence of delocalized electrons that can move freely within the metal structure.
  2. Luster: Metals often have a shiny or reflective surface when freshly polished. This luster is a result of the ability of metals to reflect light.
  3. Malleability: Metals can be shaped or hammered into thin sheets without breaking. This property is known as malleability.
  4. Ductility: Metals can be drawn into thin wires without breaking. This property is known as ductility.
  5. Solid State at Room Temperature: Most metals are solid at room temperature, with the exception of mercury, which is a liquid.
  6. High Melting and Boiling Points: Metals generally have high melting and boiling points compared to nonmetals.
  7. Density: Metals tend to have high densities.
  8. Sonorousness: Metals often produce a characteristic ringing sound when struck. This property is known as sonorousness.

If you examine the graph below, you can see that the the correct spelling of "metallic" is used at a greater frequency than the incorrect spelling "metalic."

"Metallic" has been experiencing a decrease in use since the 1880s.

Metalic vs. Metallic: Which is Correct?

Why would metallic be misspelled as metalic?

Misspelling "metallic" as "metalic" could occur due to a simple typographical error or a common spelling mistake. The suffix "-lic" is often associated with adjectives in English, and individuals might mistakenly drop an extra letter, resulting in "metalic." This error could also stem from a lack of awareness about the correct spelling, especially if someone is not familiar with the specific spelling conventions of certain words. Additionally, the pronunciation of "metallic" may not always cue the inclusion of an extra "l" for some individuals, contributing to misspellings. Overall, misspelling "metallic" as "metalic" is a common mistake that can happen unintentionally during the writing process.

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Other common misspellings

Below are other common misspellings of "metallic," other than "metalic."

  1. Metallik: A phonetic variation that may occur due to the pronunciation of the word.
  2. Mettalic: Another common mistake, perhaps influenced by the double "t" in some words with a similar ending.
  3. Metallick: Adding a "k" at the end is a less common but still observed misspelling.
  4. Metalilc: Swapping the positions of the "l" and "i" is a typographical error that can happen.

Example sentences of the misspelling of metallic as metalic

Below are example sentences highlighting that “metalic” is not the right spelling.

  1. The correct spelling of the word is "metallic," not "metalic."
  2. It's important to note that there is no such word as "metalic"; the correct term is "metallic."
  3. If you encounter the spelling "metalic," it's likely a mistake; the accurate and accepted form is "metallic."
  4. Be cautious of misspelling "metallic" as "metalic" in your writing; the correct version contains two 'l's.
  5. The word describing properties related to metals is spelled "metallic," and the spelling "metalic" is considered incorrect.

Example sentences of metallic

  1. The metallic clinking of keys in her handbag announced her arrival.
  2. The car's metallic paint reflected the city lights, giving it a sleek and modern appearance.
  3. As the blacksmith hammered the red-hot metal, a shower of sparks illuminated the metallic workshop.
  4. The conductor's baton moved gracefully through the air, guiding the orchestra as it produced rich, metallic notes.
  5. A metallic taste lingered on his tongue after sipping from the aluminum can.
  6. The spacecraft's outer hull had a metallic sheen, designed to withstand the harsh conditions of space.
  7. The antique shop showcased a variety of metallic artifacts, from copper kettles to silver candle holders.
  8. The engineer examined the metallic structure, ensuring its strength and durability for the upcoming construction project.
  9. The artist used metallic pigments to create a stunning, reflective effect on the canvas.
  10. The new smartphone boasted a sleek design with metallic accents, making it both stylish and durable.

Synonyms of metallic

  1. Metal-like: Describing something with qualities similar to those of metal.
  2. Shiny: Having a glossy or reflective surface, akin to the luster of metals.
  3. Lustrous: Having a shining or gleaming quality, often associated with metals.
  4. Shimmering: Displaying a wavering or flickering light, reminiscent of the reflective nature of metals.
  5. Reflective: Capable of reflecting light, similar to the way metals do.
  6. Gleaming: Emitting a bright and steady light, characteristic of polished metal surfaces.
  7. Glistening: Shining with a sparkling or glowing effect, as seen on some metallic materials.
  8. Bright: Emitting or reflecting a strong light, often comparable to the brightness of metals.
  9. Polished: Smooth and shiny, like a surface that has been treated to achieve a metallic sheen.
  10. Resplendent: Radiant and splendid, suggesting the brilliance associated with metallic surfaces.

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Metalic vs. Metallic: Which is Correct?


Definition of METALLIC
of, relating to, or being a metal; made of or containing a metal; having properties of a metal… See the full definition
Metalic vs. Metallic: Which is Correct?