• "Merrit" is the incorrect spelling of "merit."
  • "Merit" generally refers to the quality or worth of something, often based on its intrinsic value, excellence, or positive attributes.
For example...

❌ The promotion was granted to him on the basis of his outstanding work performance and numerous contributions to the team, clearly demonstrating his merrit in the organization.

✅ The promotion was granted to him on the basis of his outstanding work performance and numerous contributions to the team, clearly demonstrating his merit in the organization.

In the given sentence, "merit" refers to the deserving qualities or attributes that justify the promotion. The individual's outstanding work performance and numerous contributions to the team are considered as the basis for merit, indicating that he has demonstrated excellence and positive attributes deserving of recognition and advancement within the organization.
Merrit vs. Merit: Which is Correct?

"Merit" refers to the inherent quality or worthiness of something or someone based on their positive attributes, achievements, or performance. It's about the deserving nature of recognition or reward due to demonstrated excellence or notable qualities.

For example, if someone is given a job promotion on the basis of their merit, it means that they are being promoted because of their outstanding performance, skills, or contributions to the job—essentially, they have earned the promotion through their hard work and abilities.

In academic contexts, if a student receives a scholarship on merit, it means that the scholarship is awarded based on the student's academic achievements and capabilities rather than financial need. Similarly, in everyday situations, merit can refer to the fairness or justifiability of a decision or action based on the positive qualities or accomplishments associated with it.

In essence, merit is a measure of how much something or someone deserves recognition, reward, or success based on their inherent qualities or achievements. It emphasizes the idea that favorable outcomes are earned through one's own efforts, skills, or positive characteristics.

By examining the below graph, you can see that "merit" is used more than its incorrect spelling "merrit." On that note, the word "merit" has also been on a downward streak in terms of usage.

Merrit vs. Merit: Which is Correct?

Why would merit be misspelled as merrit?

The misspelling "merrit" instead of "merit" could stem from factors like the phonetic resemblance between the two terms, common spelling patterns involving doubled consonants, typographical errors, a lack of familiarity with the correct spelling, or influences from similar-sounding words. English spelling intricacies can contribute to unintentional mistakes, and individuals may apply spelling conventions that seem fitting to them. Employing spell-check tools and consulting dictionaries can help prevent and correct such errors, ensuring accurate language use.

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Other common misspellings

Below are other common misspellings of "merit," other than "merrit."

  1. Merritt: Adding an extra "t" is a frequent misspelling, possibly influenced by other words ending in "-itt" or the sound of the word when spoken.
  2. Meritt: Another variation could involve an additional "t" or altering the placement of the letters, possibly influenced by other English words.
  3. Mariett: This misspelling may occur due to confusion with other words, and the addition of the "a" and extra "t" is likely a typographical error.
  4. Merrut: A less common misspelling that involves changing the last letter, possibly influenced by phonetics or unfamiliarity with the correct spelling.

Example sentences of the misspelling of merit as merrit

Below are example sentences highlighting that “merrit” is not the right spelling.

  1. The correct spelling is "merit," not "merrit."
  2. If you find the spelling "merrit," please note that it is incorrect; the accurate term is "merit."
  3. It's important to avoid using the spelling "merrit" in your writing; the correct and accepted form is "merit."
  4. "Merrit" is not a recognized word; ensure you are using the correct spelling, which is "merit."
  5. Double-check your spelling to make sure you're not using "merrit"; the right term is spelled "merit."

Example sentences of merit

  1. Sarah's consistent dedication to her studies and her active participation in class discussions clearly demonstrate her academic merit.
  2. The employee received a bonus for his exceptional work on the project, a well-deserved recognition of his outstanding merit.
  3. Admission to the prestigious university is granted based on the applicants' academic merit, which includes grades, test scores, and extracurricular achievements.
  4. The scholarship committee carefully evaluated the candidates and awarded the scholarship to the student with the most outstanding merit in both academics and community service.
  5. In the workplace, promotions are granted to employees who consistently display high levels of competence and merit in their roles.
  6. The talented young musician was selected for the national competition based on the merit of her performance during the regional auditions.
  7. The decision to publish the research paper was made solely on the merit of its content, recognizing its significance in the scientific community.
  8. The judge emphasized the importance of evaluating legal cases on their merit, considering the evidence and facts presented in court.
  9. The company's recognition program rewards employees for their exceptional contributions and merit in fostering a positive work environment.
  10. The art competition judges assessed the pieces based on their creativity, skill, and overall artistic merit before selecting the winners.

Synonyms for merit

  1. Worthiness: The quality of being deserving of attention, respect, or reward based on one's actions or qualities.
  2. Excellence: Exceptional quality or the state of being outstanding and superior in performance.
  3. Value: The worth or importance of something, often based on its usefulness or significance.
  4. Virtue: Moral excellence and admirable qualities that contribute to deserving recognition or reward.
  5. Credit: Recognition or acknowledgment of a person's contributions, often implying deserving praise or merit.
  6. Distinction: Standing out or being recognized as exceptional or superior in comparison to others.
  7. Praiseworthiness: Deserving of praise or admiration based on commendable actions or qualities.
  8. Validity: The quality of being well-founded, justifiable, or logically sound.
  9. Quality: A characteristic or attribute that makes something or someone stand out and be worthy of recognition.

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Merrit vs. Merit: Which is Correct?


Definition of MERIT
a praiseworthy quality : virtue; character or conduct deserving reward, honor, or esteem; also : achievement; a person’s qualities, actions, etc. regarded as indicating what the person deserves to receive… See the full definition
Merrit vs. Merit: Which is Correct?