"Man" and "men" are nouns that refer to adult human males, with "man" being singular and "men" being plural. Their usage depends on the number of individuals being referred to, and they can also be used in broader contexts to describe humanity or in various idiomatic expressions.

What does the word man mean?

"Man" is a singular noun that refers to an adult human male.

What does the word men mean?

"Men" is the plural form of "man," referring to multiple adult human males.

How are the two words, man and men, used?


  • Singular: "He is a kind man."
  • Used in phrases like "a man of his word" to describe an individual's character.
  • Can also refer to humanity in a broader sense: "Man has made significant advancements in technology."


  • Plural: "The men are working hard."
  • Used to describe a group of adult males: "The team is composed of five men."
  • Can refer to humanity when discussing gender or general characteristics: "Men and women have different physiological traits."

How are men and man different?

  • Number: The primary difference between "man" and "men" is the number. "Man" is singular, referring to one adult male, while "men" is plural, indicating multiple adult males.
  • Singular and Plural Noun Forms: "Man" is the singular form of the noun, and it's used when you are talking about one male individual. "Men" is the plural form and is used when referring to more than one male individual.
  • Collective and General Use: While "man" can be used in a broader, collective sense to refer to humanity as a whole, "men" typically refers to a specific group of adult males.

Example sentences with man and men

  1. The man walked his dog in the park every morning.
  2. Men and women should have equal opportunities in the workplace.
  3. That man over there is a talented musician.
  4. The men in the construction crew worked tirelessly to finish the project.
  5. She asked the man at the store for assistance.
  6. Men often face societal pressure to conform to traditional gender roles.
  7. The man in the hat seemed lost in thought.
  8. Men and women have different physiological characteristics.
  9. The young man was excited about his upcoming job interview.
  10. Men's fashion trends change from season to season.

Common idioms/phrases

Idioms with "Man":

  • Man of the Hour: Refers to someone who is currently the center of attention or the most important person in a situation. Example: "After scoring the winning goal, he was the man of the hour."
  • Man-to-Man: A direct and honest conversation or confrontation between two individuals. Example: "We need to have a man-to-man talk about our differences."
  • The Man: Often used to refer to authority figures or those in power, such as the government or the boss. Example: "The man is always trying to control our lives."
  • Man Up: Encouragement to face a difficult situation with courage and determination, typically used with males. Example: "You need to man up and deal with your responsibilities."

Idioms with "Men":

  • All Men Are Created Equal: A phrase from the United States Declaration of Independence, emphasizing equality and the idea that everyone should be treated the same.
  • Men in Suits: Refers to corporate or business professionals, often used to describe a formal or bureaucratic atmosphere. Example: "The men in suits didn't understand the creative vision of the project."
  • Many Hands Make Light Work: Suggests that tasks become easier when many people help. Example: "We all pitched in, and many hands made light work of the cleanup."
  • No Man's Land: Refers to an unclaimed or dangerous area, both literally and figuratively. Example: "The dispute between the two countries left the border region as a no man's land."

These idiomatic expressions using "man" and "men" add depth and figurative language to conversations, allowing speakers to convey specific meanings or ideas related to individuals, authority, equality, and cooperation.

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Definition of MAN
an individual human; especially : an adult male human; a man belonging to a particular category (as by birth, residence, membership, or occupation) —usually used in combination; husband… See the full definition
Definition of MEN
… See the full definition