Make do is a well-established idiom that signifies resourcefulness and adaptability. Make due is not a standard phrase in the English language.

What does make do mean?

Make do is used to convey the idea of managing or coping with the available resources, even if they are not ideal or abundant.

Example sentence

In the midst of the camping trip, we realized we had forgotten some supplies, but we managed to make do with what we had by improvising.

What is the difference between make do and make due?

In essence, the difference between make do and make due lies in their correct and incorrect usage. Make do is the proper idiom that conveys the idea of managing with limited resources, while make due is now no longer a recognized phrase in English.

Historical significance of make due

Make due was a more commonly used term until the 1940s, but now its usage is considered a result of confusion or a typographical error due to the similarity in pronunciation.

In modern English, make due is not used in the context of resourcefulness or adaptability. Therefore, it's crucial to understand the distinction to ensure clear communication.

Example sentences

  1. When the power went out during the storm, we had to make do with candles and flashlights.
  2. She forgot her lunch at home, so she had to make do with a vending machine snack.
  3. With a limited budget for decorations, they had to make do with homemade banners and streamers.
  4. The restaurant was closed, so they had to make do with whatever ingredients they had to cook dinner at home.
  5. While camping, they didn't have a proper tent, so they had to make do with setting up a makeshift shelter.
  6. He lost his hiking gear, but he managed to make do with borrowed equipment from his friends.
  7. The hotel was fully booked, so they had to make do with finding accommodation in a nearby town.
  8. The printer ran out of color ink, so she had to make do with printing the document in black and white.
  9. The dress code was formal, but he had to make do with the clothes he had in his suitcase for the event.
  10. Their flight was delayed, so they had to make do with spending extra time at the airport.

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Make do vs. make due
<em>Make do</em> is the standard form.