Both "ladened" and "laden" are correct spellings, but "laden" is more commonly used in modern English. Laiden is the incorrect spelling of the two.

Ladened or Laden or Laiden: Which Is Correct?

"Laden" and "ladened" are synonyms, and both words are used to describe something that is heavily loaded or burdened with weight, often in a metaphorical sense. These terms are typically employed to convey a sense of being heavily weighed down or encumbered by something tangible or abstract.

For example:

  1. Literal Usage: The truck was laden with crates of fruit for delivery.
  2. Metaphorical Usage: Her heart was laden with sorrow after the loss of a loved one.

While both words have the same meaning, "laden" is more commonly used in modern English. "Ladened" is considered archaic and is not as frequently employed in contemporary language.

For example:

  1. "The ship was laden with cargo from different countries." This means the ship was carrying a large amount of cargo from various places.
  2. "She came back from the market, her arms laden with groceries." This means she had a lot of groceries in her arms, carrying a heavy load of bags.
  3. "The tree branches were laden with ripe fruit." This means the tree branches were heavily loaded with a lot of ripe fruit.

"Laiden" is the wrong spelling of these two words.

Example sentences

  1. The air was laden with the sweet scent of blooming flowers in the garden.
  2. The chef prepared a delicious dessert, laden with layers of chocolate and cream.
  3. The market was bustling with shoppers, their carts laden with fresh produce.
  4. The heavy rain left the branches laden with droplets, glistening in the sunlight.
  5. The factory emitted smoke, and the air became laden with pollutants.
  6. The ship set sail, its decks laden with valuable cargo from distant lands.
  7. The bakery was filled with the delicious aroma of freshly baked bread, laden with spices.
  8. The warehouse was laden with boxes, waiting to be shipped to various destinations.
  9. After the long hike, the hikers rested under the shade of a tree, their backpacks laden with supplies.
  10. The skies darkened, and soon the city streets were laden with snowflakes, covering everything in a white blanket.

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