Its is the possessive form of it, while it’s is the contraction of it is.

The cat rubbed its paw on the ground.

The paw is in the cat’s possession. Therefore, it is its (the cat’s) paw. The cat rubbed its own paw on the ground. If the cat owns a toy, the toy is its toy, not someone else’s. If you can replace its with a possessive noun, like cat’s, then its is also possessive (without an apostrophe).

It’s a citron that’s on the table, not a lemon.

It’s with an apostrophe is the contraction of it is. Therefore, the sentence is saying that it is a citron on the table, not a lemon. There is no possession involved in this sentence, so the contraction it’s is correct. If you can replace it’s with it is, then it’s is a contraction that requires an apostrophe.

Example sentences


  • The dog rolled the ball with its nose.
  • The company changed its policies four times this year.
  • The robot lifted its arm to point in the direction of the restaurant.
  • Did you know this knife can retract its own blade?
  • The turtle went into its shell because it felt threatened.
  • I love this conference hall because it has its own wine bar in the corner.


  • It’s difficult to become fluent in a language in only a week.
  • Take it out of the oven when it’s all baked, and let it cool before putting frosting on it.
  • It’s only 8 PM in the evening, and you’re sleeping already?
  • Did you know it’s one of the many animals that doesn’t have a brain?
  • When it’s sunny, my neighbor’s kids come out to play.
  • If you’re asking about the conference, it’s going to be held in the Serenity Hall.

Practice questions

  1. The snake rattled its/it’s tail when it saw the human.
  2. When its/it’s done installing, you can run the program right away without having to restart your computer.
  3. If you’re looking for your pen, its/it’s on the coffee table where you last left it.
  4. The laptop was popular for its/it’s incredibly fast processing speed and sleek design.
  5. Your thumb has its/it’s own pulse, so be sure to use your index and middle finger to measure someone else’s pulse instead of your thumb.
  6. Its/It’s a known fact that a jellyfish does not have a brain.
  7. Did you know that its/it’s the fastest car in the world?
  8. The measuring tape slows down the speed of its/it’s recoil with basic engineering.
  9. Its/It’s loud cry echoed throughout the forest, frightening the other animals.
  10. Although its/it’s one of the most renowned restaurants in the city, I personally think the food tastes terrible.


  1. its
  2. it’s
  3. it’s
  4. its
  5. its
  6. It’s
  7. it’s
  8. its
  9. Its
  10. it’s
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