Noon is seen as midday or twelfth hour after midnight; it is expressed as 12pm. It can be neither AM nor PM because noon cannot be "after" or "before" itself.

It is exactly halfway through the day, thus AM refers to the time period from midnight to just before noon, while PM refers to the time period from noon to just before midnight.

What does AM stand for?

AM stands for ante meridiem. This term means before noon.


  • I ate brunch at 11:00 a.m. (before noon).

What does PM stand for?

PM is short for the Latin term post meridiem. This term means after noon.


  • I went to the gym at 7:00 p.m. (after noon).

When is midnight?

Midnight is a similar concept to noon, but this term refers to 12:00am.

Helpful Hint

You can say noon or midnight instead or 12:00pm and 12:00am to avoid confusion created by the AM and PM.  Also, it is not common practice to say 12:00 noon and 12:00 midnight, so it would be best to avoid saying these two terms.

Example sentences

  1. The sun was directly overhead at noon, casting no shadows.
  2. Let's meet for lunch at the café at noon.
  3. The outdoor wedding ceremony is scheduled to begin at noon.
  4. The temperature reaches its peak around noon during the summer months.
  5. At noon, the office cafeteria is usually crowded with employees.
  6. The church bells ring at noon every day.
  7. The train to the city departs at noon sharp.
  8. She took a break from work to enjoy a picnic in the park at noon.
  9. The solar panels are most efficient at capturing energy around noon.
  10. The school's lunch break starts at noon and ends at 1 PM.

Practice Questions

  1. Which sentence is correct: A or B?
  • A. Let’s meet for lunch at 12:00 noon.
  • B. Let’s meet for lunch at noon.

2. Which sentence is correct: A or B?

  • A. I should really go to sleep before 12:00 midnight.
  • B. I should really go to sleep before midnight.

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Answer key

1) B

2) B


Is Noon A.M. or P.M.?
Is noon a.m. or p.m.? Read this article to find out how to use noon or 12 p.m. in a sentence, what a.m. and p.m. stand for, and whether noon is a.m. or p.m.