Is the correct spelling inbetween or in between?

To put a space, or not to put a space, that is the question.

The only correct spelling among the two is in between with a space. An easy way to remember how to correctly spell it is by remembering that in between has a space "in between."

Then how did the misspelling inbetween come about? No one knows exactly where it came from, but it may have originated from typos of people of modern society typing too fast. The other possibility is that it was originally a misspelling of in-between, which is used as either an adjective or noun. We will break down the definitions of between, in between, and in-between later on.

When to use "between" or "in between"

Now, here’s another question. Is the "in" in in between even necessary? In many cases, you can omit the "in" and the sentence will still be grammatically correct. Check out the following example.

A: Can you place this book in between the yellow and red books?
B: Can you place this book between the yellow and red books?

When between is being used as a preposition, there is no need to precede it with "in". However, when between is being used as an adverb, precede it with "in." If you can take out the "in" in in between and the sentence is still grammatically correct, then take out "in."

Here are two examples.

You should rest for no more than 30 seconds in between sets when working out.

In this first sentence, you can take out "in" and the sentence would still be grammatically correct. Therefore, you should take out the unnecessary "in" as so: You should rest for no more than 30 seconds between sets when working out.

He kept on talking without taking any breaths in between.

In the second sentence, however, if you take out "in", the sentence would not make sense anymore: He kept on talking without taking any breaths between.

These are some simple rules of thumb for helping you to distinguish when to use between versus in between.

  • Typically, when between is properly used on its own, it is followed by the surrounding object or objects in question.
  • Typically, when in between is properly used, it is not followed by the surrounding object or objects in question.
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Let us take a look at the definitions of between, in between, and in-between.


  • Preposition: at, into, or across the space or area separating two objects or regions

In between

  • Adverb: in the space or period separating two objects, areas, or points in time


  • a misspelling of either in between or in-between


  • Adjective: intermediate or at a level somewhere in the middle of two extremes
  • Noun: an intermediate object or thing

You may find it difficult at first to grasp when to use between, in between, and in-between, but you’ll be able to use them correctly as along as you follow the following four rules.

  1. You use between by itself when using it as a preposition
  2. You use in between together as two words when using between as an adverb
  3. You use in-between only as an adjective or noun
  4. Never use inbetween

Example sentences


I found my wireless earphones between the two seat cushions of the couch.

In the above example, the wireless earphones were positioned in the middle of two seat cushions of a couch. Here, between is used as a preposition, and therefore, it is correct to not precede it with "in".

There have been disputes between the Palestinians and Israelis for years.

When between is properly used on its own, it is followed by the surrounding object or objects in question. In this case Palestinians and Israelis are the surround countries of the dispute.

If you read between the lines, you’ll know that John isn’t happy with the results.

This example also follows the proper formula when between is used on its own: The lines are the surround objects that follow the word between.

In between

The construction worker used a mortar mix to fill the gaps in between.

In this sentence above, the between within in between is being used as an adverb. That is why in between is used instead of just between. The sentence would not make sense if you took out in.

The marathon runner continued to run for 12 miles without taking any breaks in between.

The surrounding object or objects do not follow in between, so that means preceding between with "in" is necessary.

The actress did three musicals back to back, not eating anything in between because she had no time.

The same goes for this sentence as well. Here, between is used as an adverb and the surround object(s) do not follow, so using in between instead of just between is correct.

Image Credit: Industrial Photograph


Inbetween is a misspelling is always incorrect.


The first and last levels of the game are the most fun, but some in-between levels aren’t bad either.

In the above example, in-between is used as an adjective to describe levels. Therefore, in-between with a hyphen is the only correct option here.

In their relationship, they experience happiness, sadness, and all the in-betweens.

In this sentence, in-betweens is used as a plural noun to encompass all the feelings between happiness and sadness.

Some believe limbo is an in-between state in which you await the decision of a higher power.

Here, in-between is used as an adjective to describe state, which in this context means “the condition you are in.” Only the hyphenated in-between is used as an adjective or noun, so in this sentence in-between is the correct choice.

Practice questions

  1. I parked my car between/in between/in-between the two tall buildings.
  2. The meeting is scheduled between/in between/in-between 2:00 PM and 3:00 PM.
  3. He worked multiple shifts back to back with no break between/in between/in-between.
  4. She had to choose between/in between/in-between the two job offers on the table.
  5. The between/in between/in-between seasons of spring and fall bring unpredictable weather.
  6. The old library is located between/in between/in-between the new university buildings.
  7. The cat sat between/in between/in-between the two dogs, trying to find some peace.
  8. I have multiple meetings today, but I'll be available to help you out between/in between/in-between.
  9. The shortest distance between/in between/in-between two points is a straight line.
  10. The between/in between/in-between stages of a caterpillar's metamorphosis are fascinating to observe.

Having trouble with between, in between, and in-between?

If you are ever having trouble with between, in between, and in-between, feel free to come back to this page and review the proper usage of each of them. Also, you can try or fix your English sentence with Engram!

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Answers to practice questions

  1. between
  2. between
  3. in between
  4. between
  5. in-between
  6. between
  7. between
  8. in between
  9. between
  10. in-between


in between
1. between the two times mentioned: 2. between two clear or accepted stages or…
1. in or into the space that separates two places, people, or objects: 2. If…