"Communication skills" is a staple on most resumes, but it's a broad term that doesn't fully capture your diverse abilities. To stand out from the competition, consider using synonyms that paint a more vivid picture of your strengths.

Two stark statistics from this article highlight the crucial role of communication in the workplace:

🗣️ 86% of employees and executives blame ineffective collaboration and communication for workplace failures. This staggering figure underscores the detrimental impact of poor communication on organizational success.

🗣️ However, teams with strong communication skills can achieve a remarkable 25% increase in productivity.This positive statistic emphasizes the immense potential of effective communication to drive performance.

These statistics paint a clear picture: strong communication is not just a nice-to-have, it's a critical driver of workplace success and productivity. Thus, emphasizing your communication skills on your resume is essential during your job applications. 

What are communication skills?

Communication skills are the multifaceted abilities we use to effectively convey our thoughts, ideas, and emotions to others. They encompass both verbal and non-verbal elements, including clear articulation, active listening, appropriate body language, cultural sensitivity, and adaptability to different audiences. Strong communication fosters connection, builds relationships, and empowers us to navigate personal and professional situations with confidence and success.

How to Write a Resume: Synonyms for "Communication Skills"

Synonyms for "communication skills"

  • Articulate: Conveying thoughts clearly and precisely.
  • Eloquent: Using language creatively and persuasively.
  • Expressive: Effectively conveying emotions and ideas.
  • Interpersonal skills: Building relationships and interacting effectively.
  • Social intelligence: Understanding social cues and navigating social situations.
  • Effective communicator: A straightforward and concise alternative.
  • Excellent communicator: Emphasizes strong abilities.
  • Proven communicator: Highlights a track record of success.

How to level up those synonyms

Focus on specific skills relevant to the job:

  • Active listening: Demonstrates your ability to hear and understand others.
  • Collaboration: Shows your ability to work effectively with others.
  • Conflict resolution: Highlights your ability to handle conflict constructively.
  • Negotiation: Emphasizes your ability to reach mutually beneficial agreements.
  • Presentation skills: Captures your ability to deliver compelling presentations.
  • Public speaking: Shows your comfort speaking in front of groups.
  • Writing skills: Highlights your ability to write clearly and concisely.
  • Verbal communication: Focuses on your ability to express yourself clearly verbally.

How to effectively use the synonyms on a resume

Tailor to the job's needs

Match your choice of synonyms to the job description:

  • "Strong interpersonal skills" for a customer service role.
  • "Exceptional written and verbal communication skills" for a writing or public speaking position.
  • "Highly effective communication skills in diverse environments" for a cross-cultural role.

Quantify Your Achievements

Use numbers and data to showcase the results of your communication skills:

  • "Increased customer satisfaction by 20% through strong communication skills."
  • "Utilized exceptional written communication to secure X contracts."
  • "Led a team of X to achieve Y through effective collaboration and communication."

Action Verbs Matter

Use strong action verbs to describe your communication skills:

  • "Leveraged" instead of "used."
  • "Facilitated" instead of "enabled."
  • "Spearheaded" instead of "led."

Example sentences

  • "Leveraged active listening skills to identify and address client concerns, resulting in a 95% satisfaction rate."
  • "Exceptional written communication skills ensured clear and concise documentation, streamlining project workflow by 15%."
  • "Strong negotiation skills facilitated the resolution of complex disputes, saving the company X amount."
  • "Proven public speaking skills captivated audiences at industry conferences, generating significant interest in our products."

Still stuck on how to write a stellar resume. Enlist the help of a resume builder to start writing up that resume, and get a head start in your career.

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a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior; also : exchange of information; personal rapport; information communicated : information transmitted or conveyed… See the full definition