• Will Still Be: This phrase emphasizes that something will continue to exist or happen in the future. It underscores the continuity.
  • Still Will Be: In contrast, "still will be" places "still" before the verb "will be" and tends to emphasize the persistence of an action or state.
  • Will Be Still: "Will be still" is a less common construction and can sound awkward in many contexts. It can imply that something is expected to remain quiet or motionless.
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What is the Difference: "Will Still Be" vs. "Still Will Be" vs. "Will Be Still"

The primary difference between "will still be," "still will be," and "will be still" lies in the placement of the word "still" within the phrase, affecting emphasis and context.

When to Use: "Will Still Be" vs. "Still Will Be" vs. "Will Be Still"

The choice among these phrases depends on the specific emphasis and context of your message:

Will Still Be

Use this phrase when you want to emphasize the continuation of a particular state, action, or existence.

Examples from the web

"Will still be around next season." - BBC
"Others will still be working." - Independent
"Cuts will still be necessary" - The New York Times

More example sentences

  1. The sun will still be shining brightly in the sky tomorrow.
  2. Despite the challenges we face, our determination will still be unwavering.
  3. No matter what happens, our love for each other will still be as strong as ever.
  4. Time may pass, but our memories will still be etched in our hearts.
  5. As technology advances, the need for human creativity will still be paramount.
  6. In the face of adversity, our hope for a better future will still be alive.
  7. The beauty of nature will still be awe-inspiring, no matter how many times we see it.
  8. Through the ups and downs of life, our dreams will still be worth pursuing.
  9. Our commitment to environmental sustainability will still be a top priority.
  10. The classics will still be cherished, even in a world of ever-changing trends.
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Still Will Be

Opt for "still will be" when you want to emphasize that, despite changes or interruptions, something will persist or remain.

Examples from the web

"I still will be in Chicago." - The New York Times
"Maybe he still will be in the summer." - Independent
"Slower still will be the progress of civil claims." - The Economist

More example sentences

  1. Despite the setbacks, our determination still will be the driving force behind our success.
  2. Even in the face of adversity, our hope still will be a beacon of light.
  3. No matter how busy life gets, family still will be our top priority.
  4. As time marches on, our love still will be as strong as ever.
  5. In a rapidly changing world, the need for adaptability still will be crucial.
  6. Our commitment to education still will be unwavering.
  7. The beauty of a sunrise still will be a breathtaking sight to behold.
  8. Even in the digital age, the power of a handwritten letter still will be meaningful.
  9. Despite the challenges, our dreams still will be worth pursuing.
  10. In the future, innovation and creativity still will be essential for progress.

Will Be Still

This construction is rarely used in standard English and is best avoided in most cases.

The use of the three phrases over the years:

Tricks to Remember the Difference: To remember the distinction, think of "will still be" as emphasizing continuity, "still will be" as emphasizing persistence, and "will be still" as an unusual construction to be avoided in most contexts.
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  • Will Continue to Be: A phrase often interchangeable with "will still be" to indicate the continuation of a state or action.

The organization's commitment to sustainability will continue to be a guiding principle in its operations.

  • Will Remain: A synonym for "still will be" in emphasizing the persistence or continuation of something.

The historic landmark will remain an iconic symbol of the city for generations to come.

Common Idioms:

  1. Stay the Course: An idiom meaning to persevere and continue on the same path or plan.
  2. Hang in There: Used to encourage someone to endure and persist despite difficulties.


In summary, "will still be," "still will be," and "will be still" may seem similar, but their distinct arrangements affect emphasis and context. Use "will still be" for emphasizing continuity, "still will be" for highlighting persistence, and avoid "will be still" in most standard English contexts. Understanding this difference will help you express your intentions clearly in various communication scenarios.

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will still be or will be still?
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