• "Sit" refers to the action of lowering one's body onto a surface, typically a chair or the ground, and assuming a seated position.
  • A "seat" is a designated place or piece of furniture designed for one person to sit on, providing support and comfort.
💺 She decided to sit quietly by the window, sipping her tea and enjoying the peaceful view of the garden.

💺 I found a comfortable seat in the crowded waiting room and settled in to read a book while I waited for my appointment.

When to use "sit" and "seat"

The usage of "sit" and "seat" depends on whether you are referring to an action or a physical object.


  • Use "sit" when referring to the action of a person or an animal placing themselves in a sitting position.


  1. Exhausted from the long hike, she decided to sit on a large rock and catch her breath.
  2. The cat prefers to sit on the sunny windowsill, soaking up the warmth.
  3. The old man invited us to sit around the campfire and share stories of our adventures.
  4. The toddler was too excited to sit still during the family photo, making it a challenging task for the photographer.
  5. Despite the discomfort of the wooden bench, she chose to sit there to enjoy the picturesque view of the lake.
  6. As the music played, couples began to sit closely together, swaying to the rhythm of the romantic melody.
  7. The teacher encouraged the students to sit quietly and focus on the instructions for the upcoming exam.
  8. During the picnic, we found a cozy spot to sit under the shade of a large oak tree.
  9. The bus arrived late, leaving commuters anxiously waiting to sit and start their journey home.
  10. At the park, children giggled and raced to find a place to sit on the freshly cut grass for their outdoor story time.

Examples from the web

"In June I was invited to sit on the board of advisers for the Matchmaking Institute in New York." - The Guardian
"Inside the truck, the guards shouted, Sit down! Cross your legs!' I didn't understand the last part but they crossed my legs anyway." - The Guardian


  • Use "seat" when referring to a place designed for someone to sit.


  1. The airline attendant guided passengers to their assigned seats as they boarded the plane.
  2. As the theater lights dimmed, the audience eagerly took their seats in anticipation of the live performance.
  3. The restaurant hostess led us to a cozy booth, and we settled into our seats for a delicious meal.
  4. In the stadium, fans cheered loudly from their seats as their favorite team scored a winning goal.
  5. During the conference, attendees listened attentively from their seats, taking notes on the insightful presentations.
  6. The driver adjusted the car seat for optimal comfort before embarking on the long road trip.
  7. The concert venue offered plush, cushioned seats, providing a comfortable experience for the music enthusiasts.
  8. The VIP section had prime seats with an unobstructed view of the stage for an exclusive concert experience.
  9. The classroom buzzed with excitement as students eagerly found their seats for the guest speaker's lecture.
  10. The newlyweds were honored to be seated at the head table, surrounded by family and friends during the wedding reception.

Examples from the web

The Tories sought to portray the result as a blow to Labour, which held the seat until 2010 on different boundaries. - The Guardian
McConnell, who faces reelection in 2014 and is being challenged for his seat by Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes, among others, has been criticized in his home state of Kentucky for dealing with Democrats. - The Guardian
Tips to remember the difference

To distinguish between "sit" and "seat," remember that "sit" is an action one does, like sitting on a chair. "Seat" is a noun or a verb for providing a place to sit. Think of "sit" as doing the action, and "seat" as the place or act of sitting.

The use of "sit" and "seat" over time

Examining the graph below, we can see that "sit" and "seat" followed similar trajectories in terms of usage over the two centuries. Its use is currently on an upward trend.



  1. perch
  2. rest
  3. settle
  4. repose
  5. lounge
  6. squat
  7. be seated
  8. plant oneself
  9. take a seat
  10. be perched


  1. Chair
  2. Bench
  3. Stool
  4. Pew
  5. Sofa
  6. Throne
  7. Settee
  8. Couch
  9. Recliner
  10. Chaise lounge


What is the difference between have a seat and take a seat?

"Have a seat" and "take a seat" are interchangeable idioms inviting someone to sit down. While "have a seat" suggests offering the opportunity to sit, "take a seat" emphasizes the action of sitting down, but both convey the same invitation to be seated.

Is it sitting or seating dinner?

"Sitting for dinner" refers to individuals physically taking a seat to eat, emphasizing the act of being seated. On the other hand, "seating for dinner" refers to arranging seats or providing seating, highlighting the organization of the dining setup for a group.

Can we sit or can we seat?

"Can we sit?" focuses on the ability to physically take a seat, implying a request to find a place to sit. "Can we seat?" emphasizes arranging or providing seating, suggesting a request to organize or secure seats for a group. Both expressions convey a desire for seating arrangements.

However, the sentence "Can we seat?", although grammatically correct, may sound a bit awkward. It's more common to use the phrase "Can we be seated?" or "May we be seated?" when requesting to be seated in a restaurant or similar setting.


In summary, the key distinction between "sit" and "seat" lies in their usage as a verb and a noun, respectively. "Sit" pertains to the action of placing oneself in a sitting position, while "seat" refers to a place designed for sitting, emphasizing the physical object or arrangement of seating.

How to Use the Words "Sit" and "Seat"

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How to Use the Words "Sit" and "Seat"


Definition of SIT
to rest on the buttocks or haunches —often used with down; perch, roost; to occupy a place as a member of an official body… See the full definition
How to Use the Words "Sit" and "Seat"
Definition of SEAT
a special chair of one in eminence; also : the status represented by it; a chair, stool, or bench intended to be sat in or on; the particular part of something on which one rests in sitting… See the full definition
How to Use the Words "Sit" and "Seat"